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.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlcan use the stairs. I thought this was a quick way to show what is the English word our credentials. We are from the Spandau crew of Free Runners.I m Tristan andthis is my cousin, Kröte.The curly-haired boy was bobbing his head up and down to whatever music wasin his download file.Suddenly, he noticed that everyone was staring at him.Looking shy, he retreated to the window.Hollis wondered if Kröte was going toreturn to the ledge and escape. Does he speak English? Hollis asked. Just a few words. He turned to his cousin. Kröte! Speak English! Multidimensional, the boy whispered. Sehr gut! Tristan smiled proudly. He learned that on the Internet. And is that how you heard about the Shadow Program? No.It was from the Free Runner community.Our friend Ingrid was working fora company called Personal Customer.I guess she was good at her job, because aman named Lars Reichhardt asked her to work for his division.Each person onthe team was given a small job and told not to share information with theircolleagues.Two weeks ago, Ingrid got access to another part of the system andfound out about the Shadow Program.Then we got the e-mail from the BritishFree Runners. Hollis and I need to get into the computer center, Mother Blessing said. Can you help us? Of course! Tristan extended his hands as if he were offering them a gift. We ll take you all the way. Do we have to climb up walls? Mother Blessing asked. I didn t bring anyropes. Ropes are not necessary.We re going beneath the streets.During World WarTwo, thousands of bombs fell on Berlin, but Hitler was safe in his bunker.Most of the bunkers and tunnels are still there.Kröte has been exploring thesystem since he was nine years old. I guess you guys don t have time for school, Hollis said. We go to school sometimes.The girls are there, and I like to playfootball.THE FOUR OFthem left Ballhaus a few minutes later and crossed the river.Kröte was carrying a nylon backpack that contained his equipment for goingunderground.Looking like a wild-haired Boy Scout, he kept darting ahead ofhis cousin.After walking down a wide avenue that bordered the Tiergarten, they reachedthe Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe.The Holocaust memorial was alarge, sloping grid covered with concrete slabs of different heights.HollisPage 178 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlthought they looked like thousands of gray coffins.Tristan explained that theantigraffiti chemical painted on the slabs was provided by an affiliate of thecompany that had manufactured the Zyklon-B used in the death chambers. For war, they made poison gas.For peace, they fight taggers. Tristanshrugged. It s all part of the Vast Machine.A row of souvenir shops and cafés was directly across the street from thememorial.The building looked like a flimsy structure created with plywood anda few pieces of glass.Kröte ran past a Dunkin Donuts shop and disappearedaround the corner of the building.They found the boy unlocking a padlock on asteel hatch cover set flush to the concrete. Where d you get the key? Mother Blessing asked. We cut the city lock a year ago and put on a substitute.Kröte opened his knapsack and took out three flashlights.For his own use, heslipped on a headlamp with a high-intensity lightbulb.They pulled open the hatch and hurried down a steel ladder.Hollis climbedwith one hand on the rungs while he held the equipment bag to his chest.Theyreached a maintenance tunnel filled with communications cables, and Kröteunfastened another padlock on an unmarked steel door. Why hasn t anybody noticed that you changed the locks? Hollis asked. Nobody official wants to enter this place just explorers like us.It s darkand scary down here.It saltes Deutschland.The past.One by one, they passed through the doorway to a corridor with a concretefloor.Now they were directly below the memorial, standing in the bunker usedby Joseph Goebbels and his staff during the bombing raids.Hollis had beenexpecting something a bit more impressive dust-covered office furniture and aNazi banner hanging on the wall.Instead, their little pool of lightilluminated concrete-block walls coated with a grayish-white paint and thewordsRauchen Verboten.No smoking. The paint is fluorescent.After all these years, it still works.Kröte paced slowly down the corridor with his light beam focused on the wall. Licht, he said in a faint voice.Tristan told Hollis and Mother Blessing to turn off their flashlights [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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