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.And the last thing you want to do is slip andfall. If I don t get clean, I m going to scream, Tony said.Thelittle wobble at the end of his words was more convincing thanhe had meant it to be. Okay, Mac said. Um& do you want me to come in andhelp you?Tony bit down firmly on the part of him that wanted to shoutyes.Hell, yes.Come in the shower with me, and get naked with me, and takemy mind off all of this, just for a moment.He said,  No.I ll just leavethe door open and yell if I need help.He moved carefully into the bathroom, leaving the door opena crack, and turned on the water.The simple rush of sound andthe first curl of damp warm steam were soothing.He carefullypulled off sweats and loose shirt, dropping them on the floor,and stepped into the shower.Mac was right.It did hurt like hellon his back, but if he kept the water more to the tepid side ofwarm, and faced the spray, it was bearable.He shampooed his hair, ignoring the sting of the productin his stitches, and reached for the soap.His bruised leg wasloosening up a little with the warmth, so he could stand moreeasily.He had obviously pissed himself at some point in theproceedings and been imperfectly cleaned.The smell rose aswater ran down his legs and he lathered himself well, cleaningeverything he could reach to the limit of the tightness in hisback.It took three scrubbings to remove the dirt from his handsand arms, out of all the tiny scratches in his elbow and forearm.When he caught himself scrubbing his now perfectly clean handsfor the fifth time, he turned the water off and stepped out.He wrapped a towel around his waist and leaned on the sink, 136 Kaje Harperlooking at himself in the mirror.From the front, he looked littledifferent from the Tony who had left the house just hours ago.He felt like it was a lifetime ago.It was Marty s lifetime.He reached up over his shoulder for the wet tape of hisdressing and pulled, gritting his teeth at the pain even while herelished it in some strange way.Penance? Proof of life? He wasn tsure.The freaking thing was in a very awkward place.Mac s dark angular face appeared in the mirror behind hisown. I thought you might need some help with that.I broughtthe new bandage stuff. Thanks, Tony said, as lightly as he could. If you can justrip the old one off, slather some of that ointment on, then coverit up again, I ll be grateful. I ll try. Mac took hold of the loose tape and peeled it gingerlyand slowly down Tony s back.Tony squinted in the mirror, tryingto see what he was doing.Mac s hands were moving very slowly. Just rip it off, Tony encouraged after a minute. The oldband-aid removal theory.That s all this is, a giant band-aid. Are you sure? Mac asked doubtfully. Rip, Tony commanded, gripping the edge of the sink withhis hands.Mac followed directions.Tony was pleased that itdragged no more than a hiss out of him.Ah, the wonders of localanesthetic.The nurse had shown the big raw patch to him with amirror before they bandaged it the first time.The doctor hadtalked about possible skin grafting.It was going to hurt like a sonof a bitch later. Shit, Mac said, eyeing the damage. I don t want to messwith that.Tony pulled open the medicine cabinet, found plastic gloves,and passed one over his shoulder to Mac. Don t quit on me now,big boy.Just slather on that cream and tape the large pad backover it. LIFE LESSONS 137Mac smoothed the ointment over the wound with feathertouches, gentle and easy.Then he tossed the glove, laid the biggauze pad over the wound, and began taping the edges to Tony sskin. You think this is going to stay put? he asked. It doesn tlook as neat as theirs. Put on more tape if you need to, Tony suggested over hisshoulder. The tape is going to be the least of my worries.Mac applied a second layer of tape around the edges, hishands trailing over Tony s skin as he smoothed it down andpressed each strip into place.His fingers were big and warm, andjust a little rough on the tips.It was taking him a long time to getthe damned thing placed.Tony looked up, opening his mouth to comment, and caughtthe intensity of Mac s gaze.Mac was looking at him in the mirror,and whatever was going on there, it was not just a cop doinghis job.Tony turned around under Mac s hands and looked updirectly into his dark eyes.Mac said nothing.His hands didn tmove from where they had slid, cupping Tony s biceps.Tonywaited, breathing slowly and carefully.Those big warm fingerswere gentle on his arms.Mac s pupils were dilated, his eyes almostblack, but he didn t look away.Tony stood up a little on tiptoe andlaid a kiss on the other man s mouth.Mac s lips were soft and still, not pulling back, but notresponding.Tony let his heels touch the ground and drew back alittle. Sorry, he said softly. That was stupid.Sorry.Mac s hands closed firmly on his biceps. God, he saidroughly. Don t apologize. Then Mac kissed him and it wasanything but soft.It was lips and tongue and sheer hot need.Tony opened his mouth for it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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