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.Thosepiercing blue eyes were enough to turn anyone s head. I suppose this is the part where you arrest me, hmm? JulianGridenko appeared almost amused at the thought.Alex, who had been leaning nonchalantly against thedoorframe, straightened.He opened up his extra sense, searching abit frantically for man number five.Nothing pinged, but that didn tmean shit.His sense was notoriously unreliable when hisadrenaline was up. I suppose it is, Alex replied automatically. Well, I m afraid that simply isn t part of the plan thisevening.Without warning, Gridenko moved.The man was fast, really,really fast.The Bastard hit Alex with enough force to send himstaggering backward.Alex s arms shot out, trying to grasp onto hisattacker, but the man was as slippery as a damn fish and twistedaway. Hold still, you jerk, Alex muttered. Nyet, vy. Oh, shit, Alex said.He yanked free of Gridenko s hold, cursing again at the suddenburn in his arm.Gridenko stepped back, his grin damn near chilling, and heldup a syringe.An empty syringe. Sorry, the man said easily.As the darkness closed in, Alex pondered that Gridenkoactually sounded like he meant it.52 LOVING SOMEONE EXTRAORDINARYCHAPTER 7Alarms went off throughout the room, the blaring and whistlingenough to wake the dead.Kevin jumped and yelped. Oh shit, oh shit.Fuck a duck, he cursed frantically. Alex?Alex!Heart rate elevated.Breathing irregular.Unconsciousnessimminent.The soft mechanical voice echoed through the speakers,the status update on Alex frustratingly vague. Shit.Unconscious.Okay. Damn it.Kevin tried desperately toget a visual, but all he got was static. Gotta fix that, pronto.But he couldn t now, no time.Okay, think, damn it, he orderedhimself sternly.Alex was clearly in trouble, that much wasobvious.And this was Gridenko they were talking about here.So,not much time to waste.The Russian had a reputation for being a53 LOVING SOMEONE EXTRAORDINARYcold, brutal man.Kevin could tell from his systems that Alex was still alive, butthat was all he could tell.Hell, the man could be lying there in sixdifferent pieces.Unlikely, really, but all Kevin knew for sure wasthat the man s heart was still beating. Jarvis! Kevin bellowed into his mic. Yo? I ve got a code sixteen. Say what? Alex! Disaster! Shit.Status? Let s see&  Kevin s screens were blinking and flashing,every part of his command center radiating distress. Damn, I thinkhe s been caught. You sure? He s unconscious, so yeah. Wow.You ve actually got his vitals hooked into your system?I sort of thought that was illegal.It was.Kevin could care less, especially at this particularmoment in time. I m going to need backup, Kevin stated. Send out the calland round up whichever teams you can find. Kevin, wait. Can t. Don t do anything stupid! Jarvis s slightly tinny voiceblasted through the speakers, overriding even the most obnoxiousof the alarms. Too late, Kevin said in a low voice, knowing Jarvis probablycouldn t hear him.He shut off the alarms and added a couple ofquick sentences to his report, shipping all the important details off54 LOVING SOMEONE EXTRAORDINARYto Jarvis.Hopefully, the other techie could find a few Supers andsend them Alex s way.In the meantime, Kevin had work to do.He swiveled his chair around, leaping to his feet and nearlyrunning to the other side of the room.There, a pair of double doorswere recessed into the wall.Once a fairly good-sized walk-incloset, Kevin had made a few of his own modifications.Thebuilding owner would probably not be happy if he ever found out.Kevin had replaced the folding wooden doors with steel platesand keyed the whole thing with a palm scanner.He slapped hishand against the pad, shifting impatiently from one foot to theother.The stupid thing seemed to take ages to read his biometricsignature and fingerprints.Finally, it beeped cheerfully and thesmall light turned green.Kevin snatched his hand away and yanked open the door.Lights flickered on as he stepped into what Cassie had once calledthe Doomsday Closet [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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