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.Abe screamed with what little breath he had left.But it did him nogood.Valentino slowed, refusing Abe the orgasm he was so close tohaving. Stop teasing me, he begged. Trust me.I m not. Valentino backed his words up with one hardthrust.Abe was breathing hard, his skin sensitive.The rasp ofValentino s fine hairs on his body caressing Abe s legs was nearlydriving him mad. 118 Lynn HagenA growl rose up in Valentino s throat.Hearing the sound madeAbe s arousal catch him in a vicious grip and shake him hard.Hismate dropped his head and then he bit Abe s earlobe with sharp teeth.Abe cried out.The feel of Valentino s lips on the suddenly sensitive skin ofAbe s neck had Abe clutching his hands in an effort to find controlwhere there seemed to be none.Abe looked over his shoulder andgasped when he saw that Valentino s pupils were dark pools,mesmerizing and endless.The man was simply stunning.Valentino s hips plunged hard, driving his cock deep inside Abe,causing Abe s body to scream with pleasure, with an overload ofsensation that made Abe cry out as Valentino s teeth sank into hisshoulder.Valentino s teeth were hard, sharp, the little flashes ofheated sensation sending shock waves to Abe s ass, causing it toclench hard, deep.Abe was pulsing, erupting, begging for breath as the pleasureseemed never ending, until he collapsed against the chair.Valentino growled into Abe s shoulder as his hot seed filled Abe sass.Abe was exhausted, his body limp as Valentino slowed, gentlyrocking inside of him. Fuck, Valentino groaned. That was amazing. I just want to go to sleep. Abe yawned, his back stiff and sore.He hissed when Valentino pulled his softening cock from Abe s body.The next thing he knew, Valentino swung Abe up into his arms andcarried him to the bedroom.As soon as his mate set him on his feet,Abe kicked his boots off, unfastened the belt, and then climbed intobed.It didn t take long before he passed out.* * * * Valentino s Cowboy 119Valentino s eyes snapped open when he heard a noise.He glancedat the clock to see that it was three in the morning.Lying still,Valentino heard the sound again.Checking to make sure his mate was asleep, Valentino slippedfrom the bed.He didn t bother dressing because if it was anintruder, they were about to meet a very pissed-off cougar.Easing the bedroom door open, Valentino checked the hallway.He didn t see anyone.That didn t mean someone wasn t in his house.Valentino knew he heard something.Closing the door quietly behind him, he crept down the hallway.Valentino stopped when he heard a floorboard creek.Someone wasdefinitely in his home.He was getting really tired of people breakingin.This time Valentino was going to make sure the bastard didn tleave here alive.Abe s safety came first, and if the Vampire Hunterwas after his fey, Valentino was going to take the bastard out.He shifted, scenting the air and caught the scent of human.Valentino suppressed the yowl threatening to rumble from his chest.He padded closer, catching a shadow just inside the kitchen.Valentino crouched low, waiting for the intruder to come out sohe could pounce.He wanted the man s death to be quick and quiet.There was no need to alarm his mate.Valentino didn t want Abe towitness the brutality he was about to unleash.When the stranger appeared, Valentino took the man down,locking his teeth on the man s skull, and bit down.He heard the skullcrack and he knew the man was dead.He eased back, shifting into hishuman form.This wasn t the same guy who had broken in before, butValentino knew he was a Hunter.He had that fucking stench abouthim.Before Abe accidently came out of the room, Valentino pulledthe man from the floor and took him outside.He carried the Hunter tothe woods and deposited him there. 120 Lynn HagenWalking back into the house, Valentino grabbed his phone andcalled Maverick.He was going to need someone to come and get thedead body from the backyard. This better be important, Maverick grumbled. I just killed a Hunter. Valentino checked the hallway to makesure Abe hadn t snuck up on him. Another one broke into your house? Yeah, only this time I got to him before he even knew what hithim. Valentino snagged a pair of lounging pants that were strewnover the back of the couch and slid them on. I ll send someone over there. The alpha hung up.Valentino wasn t sure how many more men would come afterAbe, but he damn sure was going to protect his mate if he had to killevery last one of them.He tossed his phone aside and walked backdown the hallway, cracking the bedroom door open to see his matefast asleep.He stood there for a moment, his chest tight as all the love he feltfor Abe swept over him.As his eyes settled on Abe s peaceful andinnocent face, he knew he would kill a whole army of Hunters to keephis little cowboy safe.* * * *Kenyon slammed the phone down, frustrated as hell thatDebrosky hadn t checked in.That only meant one thing.The man wasdead.He contemplated going after the elf himself, but something wasstopping him.A warning in his gut that said capturing AbrahamBrego would not be so easy.He had sent two men in and both hadfailed.Kenyon didn t want to tip his hand, not yet.He was pretty surethat Maverick Brac already knew about him, but the man had nothingon Kenyon and he wanted to keep it that way.Besides, Kenyon had Valentino s Cowboy 121other things in the works, bigger things.And he wasn t going to ruinwhat he had accomplished so far by going after the fey.Abraham was safe& for now.But Kenyon planned on exposingthem all, just as soon as he was done with his business dealings.He may be a lot of things, but foolish wasn t one of them.Moneyalways came first.* * * * Is this the place? Valentino asked as he pulled into an alreadypacked parking lot. It sure is busy. I know, right! Abe bounced next to Valentino with barelycontained excitement. I love coming to The Manacle.Valentino had never been to a place like this before.It was a largered brick building with no windows.The front of the building had anentrance, and he could see a bouncer at the door, with a line a milelong of people waiting to get in. Standing in line is half the fun! Abe grabbed Valentino s hand,pulling him toward the back. Yo!Both Valentino and Abe turned. Hi, Harley! Abe shouted as he waved at the bouncer.The vampire at the door chuckled. Get your ass over here.Youknow you don t need to stand in line. But standing in line is part of the experience, Abe argued. You are one strange man, Harley said.He moved down the line,close to the front, and made the people move back. Stand here. I like him already, Valentino said.He was still smiling like aloon at the way his mate was dressed.Abe was wearing skintightleather pants, a fishnet shirt, showing off his nipples, and the cowboyboots Valentino had bought him.As he gazed at the people in line, Valentino was starting to feelunderdressed.There was one woman there that looked like one of 122 Lynn Hagenthose Rainbow Brite dolls.She was dressed in various shades ofpurple, her hair up in two thick ponytails.There was a guy standingthere with spikes sticking out of every spare piece of skin on his earsand face.Maybe he should have worn boots instead of his dress shoes.Valentino draped his arm over Abe s shoulder, standing in line at avampire club as his cougar yowled in approval. Do you know how much I love you? Valentino asked, catchingAbe by surprise.The man's brows lifted high on his forehead and thenhis mate leaned up to plant a soft kiss on his cheek, making Valentinoblush from the knowing looks he was getting in line [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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