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.* Mailing or telephoning to other than honest prospects wastes your time and money.Ifyou make your offer to people who don't really have a need for your offering, they'll bean incredibly tough sale.* Initiating direct response marketing without specific objectives gives you too hazy atarget for bullseyes.Begin by creating the response method for your prospects so you'llknow what your message should say.* Featuring your price before you stress your benefit will be telling people what theydon't want to know yet.First, your job is to make them want what you are offering, thenyou can tell them the price.* Concentrating on your price before your offer is wasting a powerful selling point.Evenif your price is the lowest, people care more about how they'll gain from purchasing.Giveyour low price at the right time. * Failing to test all that can be tested is a goof-off of the highest order.Test your pricepoints, opening lines, subject lines, envelope teaser lines, benefits to stress, contact timesand mailing lists to know the real winners.* Setting the wrong price means you've failed in your testing and your research.Guerrillas are sensitive to their market and their competition, testing prices andconstantly subjecting them to the litmus test of profits.As direct response vehicles become more sophisticated and prolific, guerrillas have theinsight to zero in on the exact people to contact, so as not to waste time or money onstrangers.Successful mailings to strangers net as high as two percent response rates.Successful mailings to customers and qualified prospects net up to ten percent.Precisionleads to profits.Jay Conrad Levinson is the creator of the Guerrilla Marketing seriesof books - the best selling series of business books in history.Heis also responsible for some of the most successful ad campaigns inhistory, including *the* most successful in history: The Marlboro Man.Jay is responsible for countless small businesses becoming huge householdnames.Learn how he does this in his latest book: "Guerrilla Marketingfor the New Millennium":~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Five Powerful Techniques that Produce Unstoppable Salesby Ted NicholasThere are five powerful techniques that will add compelling strength to your sales copy.I m even going to tell you a hidden benefit technique.But first, a word of caution: Whenthese techniques are properly applied, they are the most powerful marketing strategies inthe world bar none.You stand a good chance of increasing sales so much that you mayexperience order fulfilment challenges.Be sure you can promptly fulfil the extra ordersyou are bound to generate!Magic Technique #1 -- The Single Most Compelling BenefitThe strategy I m about to reveal to you has to do with your headlines.First, let s do aquick review of the process of creating them.Study your product.Write down all the obvious benefits (from the prospect s point ofview) on 3 X 5 cards.Write as many as you can.Often, you ll have the best headlineyou could ever find from this procedure.If so, prepare your ad with the obvious benefitheadline.You ll also want to try creating a hidden benefit headline to test against the obviousbenefit headline.You can find the hidden benefit by answering this question:  If I hadunlimited God-like power, what would be the single most compelling benefit myprospects would like to gain from my product?The hidden benefit has nothing directly to do with the product itself but the answer tothe previous question can become your most powerful benefit and thus your headline,as well as the main theme of your offer.Just make sure your product actually delivers onthe headline s promise.By using this special strategy, I ve written some of the most successful headlines in directmarketing history.Magic Technique #2 -- Add power to headlinesStudies show that an ad headline draws 28% more attention if framed in quotation marks!The ad appears much more important because it gives the impression that someone isbeing quoted.This makes it more riveting, and more likely to be read.And that is yourfirst task to get it read.If the ad is not read, you have no chance of making a sale.Magic Technique #3 -- Ask for the orderUnsuccessful marketers are reluctant to ask for the order.For any offer to be successful,you must be clear and explicit as to how you ask for the order.Include every detail, evenif it seems obvious to you.Make it easy for the prospect to buy.It s also important thatwhen you ask for the order, the prospect should have been primed for the close.Thesequence of presenting copy elements (and hot buttons) is crucially important.In your sales letters, you must wait until the end to reveal the price and orderinginstructions.This puts them in the proper frame of mind to buy because you would havegiven all the benefits and particulars your prospect needs prior to asking for the order.Ifyour offer includes a brochure and an order form, separate them from the letter.Thisstrategy will increase response. If you re using direct mail, put the brochure and order form in a sealed envelope.On theoutside of the envelope, print the following:  Please don t open until you have read myletter. If your sales letter is online, include a link to a separate order page.Magic Technique #4 -- Typefaces are importantIn direct mail, headlines should be in Times-Roman font, serif, or sans serif typefaces.The body copy should always be Times Roman.Reason? On the written page, it s easy toread.Never use a sans serif typeface in body copy.On websites, the sans serif typefaces such as Arial and Verdana seem to work bestbecause they are more inviting to read in a sea of cyber-clutter.Strive for an editorial look.The ad should appear similar to an article in the publication inwhich your ads will run.I call this format an  advertorial. Five times as many peopleread editorials than messages that scream out,  I m an ad! If an advertorial is prepared ina way that lends credibility, it can pull up to 500% more in sales!Magic Technique #5 -- Pricing your productHere is a really powerful tip that will increase your profits.You may have noticed thatthe price of my books and tapes ends in 7.There is a good reason for this.Remarkably,with the same copy and offer for any given product, I have proven time and againthrough testing that you can increase sales simply by changing the price to one ending inthe number 7.Recently at a seminar wherein I spoke, my co-speaker, Gil Good (in charge ofpromotions for The Wall Street Journal for many years), discussed that subscriptionoffers ending in 7 out-pulled all others.At my last seminar, an attendee, a biblicalscholar, pointed out the number seven was often used in the Bible.Remember the phrase, 70 X 7 ? Seven may be a number that is truly blessed! The most effective magazinesubscription offer, made many years ago, was by Life Magazine - and its price was $7.77.Test price this way: If your current price is $19.95, try $19.97.If you now sell at $69, test$67 or $77; or if your price is $99, try $97, etc [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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