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.How long had it already been? How much longer could Deliasurvive the fumes? He touched the changer at his waist and looked back intoAlodar's unflinching eyes.It was clear the arch-mage's mind was set; he had agoal and would not be deterred."Very well," Jemidon sighed."First the battle and then the djinn.As long asthe one immediately follows the other.I will aid all I can." He squatted tothe ground and began to speak quickly."I was on Morgana when sorcery failed.It happened the night of the grand celebration."335"No, from the very beginning." Alodar glanced at the sand running from a glassas he reached for a pen."Leave out no detail.The most insignificant might beimportant."Jemidon sighed again."My father wanted me to be a thaumaturge," he said."Hegave me his last gold brandel for the testing fee.""And so mobilizing all the alchemists to manufacture sweetbalm in preparationfor the battle was to our deterrent." Alodar paced around the confines of thetent, hishands behind his back."They had to stop their normal productions to converttheir facilities, and in the lull, when no formulas were being written, thisSkyskirr changed the law.What you say is hard to accept, Jemidon, even if itexplains what has come to pass better than the tale of any other.""Exactly so," Jemidon said.He had wanted to rattle off everything at once.Each heartbeat seemed an eternity, but the archmage would not be rushed.Hehad asked questions about all aspects of Jemidon's quest, details from thevery first, the apprenticeship to the alchemist, the initiates' examination atthe inland guild, the graphical representation for the charmlets shown toFarnel.And with each answer, Alodar had grown more introspective, seeminglyconcerned with something else besides the working of the metalaws.Page 188 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"And these uncouplings.You say that I cannot perform them." Alodar rubbed hissleeve with the logos."The power has been awakened in you and no other of ourkind.""As it would appear," Jemidon said."The Verity of Exclusion prevents apractitioner of the arts.And, by the random factors, I have tested its truthhard enough for myself."Alodar nodded."And now what do you propose?""Weil, I would " Jemidon paused.In the rush to save Delia, he had thought ofnothing else."I would challenge Melizar with manipulants of my own," he saidafter a moment."I am a metamagician as much as he, 1 would bring about adecoupling.Direct the enactment of rituals, 336incantations, and formulas that are our own.Have the laws move in a directionthat favors our cause rather than his,""And which direction is that?" Aiodar asked."Have you studied the lattice?Are you sure it would not mean the end of wizardry instead?""If we could get a look, we would know," Jemidon answered quickly."Perhaps byusing a sprite to fly where Melizar has set up his camp and snatch the latticeaway."Aiodar frowned."From what you have said, Melizar proceeds methodically from aplan he has worked out in great detail.And for each perturbation, he pausesand carefully calculates the response thai returns the rush of events to thecourse that he desires."This is no mere examination for a robe, Jemidon.Far more than that is atstake.How could what you propose have even the smallest of chances? Why would yousucceed now when you have failed so often before?""But 1 am a metamagician." Jemidon scowled.Despite everything else, the angerand frustration began to bubble as before.The words of the archmage werefamiliar ones that he had tried for so long to dispel."I am a metamagician.That is why I was unable, why I could not succeed, why I could not get thehonor and respect.But now I understand what has to be done.Better than anyother.Give me the means.I will show you.It may be your only chance.""You state that you were prevented," Aiodar said."Because of somethingexternal, you were unequal to the task.And how convenient for you that is.Most of us do not have such luxury.We must look inside instead and understandwhat are our strengths and weaknesses.""One cannot overwhelm a metalaw," Jemidon said."It would be futile to try [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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