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.It s not legally binding in a court of law,but&  Oh, I won t be doing that.Master s other girls are very happy living with him.I m sure that I will be, too. Other girls? Maybe two boxes of Pepto. Yes, master owns two other girls.We ll be as closeas sisters.I don t have sisters, sir.There was a wistful longing in her eyes.She waslonely.Shit. Have you talked to these girls? No, sir.Master says there will be time enough forthat when I get there and get settled.He said theseweeks were just for us to get to know each other. How old are you? Twenty-one, sir.He grimaced.He couldn t help it.It was like aboulder had just settled in his stomach. What doyour parents think? They think I m going back to college. She lookeddown at the floor. My parents wouldn t understand.No one understands. The sympathy her words could have evoked wastainted by the childish pout of her lips.He wanted toreach down and shake her until the cotton candy inher brain transformed into a solid mass of tissuecapable of rational thought.He wanted to yell thatshe didn t have a fucking clue what she was doingand that if she came home she was likely to be somentally and emotionally damaged, so physicallyabused that& God, Aidn didn t even want to thinkabout some of the truly evil things he d seenbastards like her so-called  master do to girls asblind and naïve as she. Misty.Is there anything I can do to talk you out ofthis? To give it more time, to give yourself more timeto get to know him? To talk to the other girls? Tomeet him a few times? You don t think I know what I m doing either. I think you re very young and very innocent and verylonely. Well, sir, that just goes to show how much you know. Thank you for your time, but I need to go. Misty, I m only concerned that you could get hurt.Maybe he could tie her to the chair until he could getin touch with her master. You re just like the rest.Master said that peoplewould try to talk me out of it. And he s right. He reached across the desk andtook one of his business cards from the small metalholder.He held it out to her and when she didn t takeit, he picked up her hand and placed the card in herpalm. Call me if you ever need anything. I won t need anything.Master will take care of me.He is all I need.Aidn sighed and rubbed at the knot in his stomach.He couldn t get rid of the feeling of dreadsurrounding her.He needed& oh fuck, he neededBailey.He needed to lose himself in her body, in herpresence. Very well.I guess we re done.  Very well.I guess we re done. Yes, sir, we are.He watched her.She got up from the chair andwalked toward the door.She really was cute and hereally was scared for her, even if she wasn t brightenough to see he was only trying to help. How did you and Robert meet?Her hand was on the doorknob but she stoppedbefore opening it.Her voice was low and he strainedto hear it, but her words were clear. Master likes pictures of me sucking men off.It sokay you see, because he tells me to do it.He likesto see their come on my face.Robert was one ofthose men.He was nice to me.She walked out and Aidn just shook his head, hiseyes closed and his stomach in knots.He hatedfeeling helpless, powerless to help someone seewhen they were making a big mistake.A little voiceinside told him he ought to look at the mistakes he d made with Bailey, but he refused to listen, refused tothink of his having left her as a mistake.It was fortheir own good, his and hers.He couldn t commit,couldn t trust, and she deserved no less than that.The office phone ringing caught him mid-thought andhe reached for it, glad for the distraction. AidnGreer. Up for dinner tonight? No.By the way, that girl you sent me, Misty? She s apiece of work, Robert.You do realize she s youngand walking into a situation that could destroy her,right? Yeah, which is why I wanted her to see you.I washoping you d be able to talk some sense into her. Well, she didn t want to listen and now she s goneoff to live with her  master. Aidn spat out the wordas though it were poison on his tongue. And whatthe hell were you doing with your dick in a glory hole?That is how you met her, right?  Hey, I don t judge you, so don t you judge me.Whatthe hell were you doing fucking that girl all afternoonthen running out on her?Shit.Robert had him there.His cock ached justthinking about her and he d had a hard-on for the lasttwo weeks.He would give anything be everythingshe needed and show her that she was everythinghe d been hungering for.Fuck.He had to stopthinking like that.Seeing her earlier had been a hugemistake, but as he d told her, he couldn t stay away.Now, he wanted to go back and never leave.Nomatter what he did, he was fucked. Why did you do that, Aidn? I don t know. Is it because you re a shallow son of a bitch?Aidn snorted.Was it that? Did her size haveanything to do with it? He had big hands and he likedwhen they could span the waist of a girl.He likedbeing able to pick a girl up and carry her in his arms when he was fucking her.He liked when they didn tlook at him like she did, when they didn t dreamabout him, when they didn t want him for more thanfun.He didn t like a girl with expectations and giventhe chance, expectations would have been written allover her beautiful face. Maybe. Not a chance in hell was it shallowness.Hedidn t have an issue with her body.He didn t reallyeven have an issue with the way she looked at himas though he were the answer to all her submissiveneeds.It was his own paralyzing fear of trust. Abyss this weekend? Nah, I don t think so.I think I ll just relax with a couplebeers and a game. No, man, come on.We ll go for a little while and justmaybe find a girl or two for you that you know,  fitsyou.A girl that s more your style.It was said in fun, but was no less true.And yeah,maybe he could find someone that would wash the memory of Bailey out of his mind, but he doubted it.He just wasn t cut out for more than casualrelationships and casual would never be able to takethe place of the one afternoon he d spent fuckingher.Shit. Yeah, I ll go.*Bailey stood outside Aidn s office door [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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