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. He tried not to be frustrated, but I could feel it sometimes that he was. Semon'seyes met his, the green happy, almost glazed. Your thoughts have no unhappiness, no wishes for things tobe different. A wide smile lit Semon's face. You want me as I am.I make you happy.""All the way through my bones. He kissed each eyebrow, then his One's forehead, his nose smelling thesweetness of the soft, dark hair. I want to know everything about you.I want you to know me.I want tohold you for the rest of our lives."He had never been a romantic man before, not given to sweet words or long caresses, but he had neverbeen so happy before either, so full and overjoyed."Your words and your thoughts are the same.And I can see them so clearly, Ben I don't even have to tryand you are in my mind."Semon's pleasure and wonder at that, at the whole situation, slid into his mind, matching the sweet smileon his One's face.He smiled back, teasing gently. Does this mean I will be able to convince you to stay a bit longer, perhapsshare a meal with me, maybe even spend a night in my arms?""Only one?"He chuckled, taking a soft, sweet kiss. The first of thousands, I swear it to you.""And the pleasure, too? Semon asked, eyes wide, eager. That, too?""Oh, yes, my One. He took another kiss, this one longer, deeper, edged with need. There will always bepleasure between us.""You want me again, already. It wasn't a question, Semon's eyes and voice were sure and he pushedcloser, their shafts rubbing together.The boy made a face. I'm all sticky.""Me too. Ben thought for a second and then nodded. I have some water and some cloths.We could cleanup and wrap up in the furs.Then, if you'd like, we can have some bread and cheese and learn about oneanother.Does that sound good or do you have a better plan?"Semon smiled at him. You want to do more than just wrap up in the furs, Ben. The boy laughed. And Ilike the sound of the plan in your head best."He blushed and grinned sheepishly. You mean the plan where I touch every single bit of you until wecome and then do it again? Yes, that is a very good plan.""Teach me to do all the things you are dreaming of doing with me, Ben.Show me how to make you feelgood."He waved to his sticky groin. My One, just having your mind inside me makes me feel good."Ben stood and moved to the washbasin, pouring a measure of cold water into it before going to pull thelittle kettle from the tiny fire that burned inside.The heat of summer was almost faded away.He wouldspend the winter making a bigger tent; perhaps Semon would help him.He smiled happily at the thought of a nice, long winter, his One held tight in the furs, as he poured the hotwater into the basin, warming it."Do you really think I could help? I wouldn't just be in the way? Semon asked the question as if he hadspoken his thoughts out loud. Ben searched his heart for both the answer to his One's question and to how he felt about the fact that histhoughts were laid open to another.He could not imagine this lovely, gentle man being in his way.He wasmade to love Semon, to care for and provide for his One.Of course they would work together.It was theway of things.The idea of his thoughts laid out for his One was a little scary what if he thought something that hurt thesweet boy? What if his One learned him and disliked him? The thoughts worried him for a moment andthen he chuckled.Semon was his One.There would be concerns and they would deal with them.They weremeant to be together.This, too, was the way of things."Of course you can help, my One.We will work together and build our home."Semon nodded, but was blushing and looking concerned. I don't mean to pry, Ben usually I have to tryto hear someone's thoughts, but with you.it is as if being inside your mind is as natural as being insidemy own.I could try not to if you like.""No.We are learning one another, yes? Ben brought the basin over, balancing it with his hip. No one willknow me as you do.No one can.There is a.a rightness to that.Joy."Semon's face filled with happiness and he took the basin from Ben, putting it down between them.Hisfingers slid shyly to the bottom of his tunic and then suddenly he grinned at Ben and whispered  I wantyou to see me, too, and pulled the tunic off.Oh, by the winds, his One was lovely.Smooth and fine and lovely, Semon's chest was almost like a carving in soapstone, but alive.Dark nipplescaught his eyes, then the hollows leading to an indented navel, and then, oh.just the hint of black curls.He reached out to touch instinctively, stopping himself as his hand hovered over the warm skin. May I, myOne? May I feel you?"The answer that filled his mind was so much more than yes, it was please and want and need and don'tmake me wait.When his touch slid over the flat stomach, his moan filled the air, twining with Semon's.He could feel Semon's breath quicken, his One's muscles moving against his hand.Semon was trembling,fingers working on the ties of his own leggings. All of me is yours.'"Yes, Semon.You are mine. He leaned forward to lick quickly at a dark nipple, happiness bubbling insidehim. As I am yours."Semon gasped, a spike of pleasure sounding inside Ben's head.His One's hands finished with the laces andSemon's breeches slipped over his hips to land around his feet and Ben could feel the pleasure and shynessmixing together, his One worried he would not please, but excited to be sharing this with Ben.Semonwanted to please him.And please him Semon did.The ebony curls crowned a sweet cock, long and thin, curving up to restagainst his One's stomach, with tight sacs hanging below.Perfectly formed thighs and calves and fine, longfeet completed the beautiful man.Ben wanted to learn everything about his One the taste of those innerthighs, whether knees or feet were ticklish, the flavor of that sweet, hard shaft.The feelings that flooded into him were a resounding positive, his One intrigued and eager and wanting toshare everything they could.Even just his thoughts made Semon's cock jerk.Semon's hands were soft andtrembling, but still sure as they began to tug at Ben's leggings.He helped, tugging the knotted string from the loop and lifting his hip, letting Semon pull them off and away, letting Semon see him.Ben had not lied when he said he was not a beautiful man.He was short, only a bit taller than his One,stocky and thick, with bright red hair topping head and groin.Ink covered his shoulder and chest and alsohis thigh, marking his trial of passage.Not beautiful, but worthy.He would love Semon as no other could.Semon's reaction pushed into his mind, fascination and pleasure and a need to touch.Gentle fingertips slidalong the tattoo, from shoulder to thigh, and then his One grew bold and touched his cock, light and quick,Semon's cheeks red."Oh, feels so.so good [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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