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.Some information, such asrich text formatting, may be lost in the transfer.2Only the Macintosh version of Director supports recording sounds.Under Windows, you'll need an Xtra, such as Focus 3SoundFX Xtra (http://www.focus3.com) or Sound Xtra (http://www.updatestage.com/xtras).3Requires Custom Button Editor Xtra.(Obsolete in D7.)ExportingDirector exports the Stage area only.Reduce the Stage size to the desired outputsize before exporting.(Prior to D7, the Stage width is limited to multiples of 16pixels.) If the export fails, make sure that the visible area of the Stage is not blank.Director exports the data in the Score only any puppeted sprites are ignored.Director does not export individual cast members, but you can copy sounds, text,and bitmaps to the clipboard and then paste them into an appropriate program orplace sprites on the Stage to export them.Many Xtras, such as the ScrnXtra (http://www.littleplanet.com/kent/kent.html) will capture the screen and export it to a file.122 Chapter 4  CastLibs, Cast Members, and Sprites Working with Cast MembersDirector 6 for Macintosh exports in PICT, PICS, Scrapbook, and QuickTime 2formats.Director 6 for Windows can export a DIB file sequence (BMP), or inVideo for Windows (AVI) format.The D7 QT3 Export Xtra supports QT3 exporton both Macintosh and Windows.When exporting in QuickTime or Video for Windows format, transitions are notincluded and each sound may be exported as a separate audio track.Use AdobePremiere or similar tool to add visual transitions and SoundEdit 16 or similar toolto remix the audio tracks.Working with Cast MembersIf you replace a cast member, all sprites that reference it will use the new asset.This can be great if you want to replace a button on every screen, but trouble-some if you meant to replace only some occurrences.Cast Member LoadingThere are three possible settings for castLib loading under Modify Cast Prop-erties.These control the overall loading of a castLib s assets:When NeededThis is the default mode; loads cast members on demand prior to drawing theframe in which they are needed.Before Frame OneThis mode loads as many cast members as possible in the order in which theyare needed in the Score.This increases the initial load delay, but to the extentthat memory is available, animations will perform more quickly.After Frame OneThis mode behaves the same as Before Frame One, except that it displays thefirst frame as quickly as possible before proceeding to load more data.Refer to the purgePriority of member property and Chapter 9, Memory and Perfor-mance, for details on loading and unloading individual cast members.Dynamic Linking to Cast Members at RuntimeIf at all possible, import all assets ahead of time during authoring.Avoid importingassets at runtime, as it consumes excessive amount of memory.Use importFileIntoduring authoring only.To link dynamically to an external sound, digital video, orbitmap member, set the fileName of member property.If you attempt to set the fileName of member property to an invalid file, the prop-erty won t update.Check the fileName of member after setting it to determine if therelinking succeeded.Even if there is insufficient RAM to read the external file, thefileName of member will update.Check that the picture of member property isnonzero to confirm that the import succeeded.Setting the fileName of member works best when replacing a cast member with anexternal file of the same type.Create a dummy cast member ahead of time foreach data type that you intend to import.If necessary, create a dummy castWorking with Cast Members 123 Working with Cast Membersmember on the fly, using the new() function.For example, assuming that the PICTfile is in the same folder as the Director movie:set dummy = new (#picture)set the fileName of dummy = the moviePath & "someFile.PCT"You may need to force Director to update the link using:set the fileName of dummy = the fileName of dummyNote that all sprite properties are not updated when setting the fileName ofmember property.This is especially a problem when using, for example, Quick-Time movies with differing frame rates [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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