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.From Abraham s birth (2143 B.C.) to the Flood was 1132 yearsaccording to the chronology of the Scripture (LXX) in Genesis 11.This would render the year 3275 B.C.as the year of the GenesisFlood.In researching the Flood, Adam Rutherford once again doesan excellent job of piecing together a variety of archaeologicalrecords, which reveal that the approximate archaeological date ofthe Flood is very close to the LXX chronology of the biblicalrecord.Egyptian Records Verify the Date of the FloodRutherford uses a number of records (including the TurinPapyrus, the Abydos Tablet, the Sakkara List and fragments of theRoyal Annals preserved on the Cairo and Palermo Stelae, alongwith inscriptions on the walls of the Temple at Edfu) to determine It Was a Miracle 10033the approximate Egyptian date of the Flood.An important clue inthese Egyptian records is  the Era of Horus (Horus was one ofthe mythological gods of Egypt) which Egyptians equated with thebeginning of history after  the destruction of mankind, that is, theFlood.An inscription on the walls of the Temple at Edfu refers to awar between Horus and Set in the 363rd year after the Flood (thatis, after the Era of Horus).The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopediaconfirms that a civil war took place in Egypt between the adherents34of these two gods during Dynasty II.The inscription goes on tostate that this was the thirteenth year of the reign of Nyntjer, thesecond king in Dynasty II of Egypt.The thirteenth year ofNyntjer was 363 years after the biblical Flood, or Era of Horus.If the date of Nyntjer can be approximately calculated, then theperiod of the Flood can be reasonably fixed.In order to calculate when Nyntjer ruled, we must begin withestablished dates and work backwards (refer to the EgyptianChronology Chart on p.101).The Turin Papyrus states that thetotal years between Dynasties I-V is 774 years (955-181 years after35the death of Unas, the last king of Dynasty V).In their chart of theEgyptian dynasties on page 231, The Zondervan PictorialEncyclopedia of the Bible reveals the total years for the variousdynasties as follows:" Dynasty III = 55 years," Dynasty IV = 160 years, and" Dynasty V = 140 years.Construction of the Great Pyramid was begun in the first yearof the reign of Cheops (Khufu), the first king of Dynasty IV.This36date is astronomically fixed at 2623 B.C., thus Dynasty IV beganin 2623 B.C.Therefore, by adding 55 years we discover thatDynasty III began in 2678 B.C." Dynasty IV began = 2623 B.C.+55 years" Dynasty III began = 2678 B.C. It Was a Miracle 101EGYPTIAN CHRONOLOGYDATES B.C.DYNASTY ERA OF HORUSThe biblical Flood = Year 1c.35281st year of Menes (Mizraim)c.3097Became king c.200 years after floodBeginning of Dynasty I8 kings totalDynasty II = 12 kingsc.289513th year of Nyntjer = Year 363(2nd king Edfu inscription)Beginning of Dynasty III2678Lasted 55 years (fixed date)26231st year of Cheops (Khufu)Beginning of Dynasty IVGreat Pyramid begun (fixed date)c.2323End of Dynasty V419 yearsTurin Papyrus = 774 years total It Was a Miracle 102If Dynasty IV lasted 160 years, then Dynasty V began in 2463B.C.Dynasty V lasted 140 years, ending in 2323 B.C." Dynasty IV = 2623 2463 B.C.(160 years)" Dynasty V = 2463 2323 B.C.(140 years)Now that the end of Dynasty V has been fixed, we can add 774years (from the Turin Papyrus) to 2323 B.C.and which brings usto c.3097 B.C.as the first year of King Menes of Dynasty I (whowas Mizraim, the son of Ham, which is why Egypt is often referredto as Mizraim in Scripture)." End of Dynasty V = 2323 B.C." Total of Dynasties I V = +774 years" Beginning of Dynasty I = c.3097 B.C.The combined lengths of Dynasty I (eight kings) and DynastyII (twelve kings) comes to 419 years (3097 2678 B.C.).The lengthof the rule of each king is unknown.However, the last year ofNyntjer s rule would have been somewhere very close to the mid-point of this time period as he was the tenth king in the combinedline of twenty kings.Using the mid-point as our reference for thelast year of Nyntjer s rule, a very close approximation for thethirteenth year of Nyntjer comes to c.2895 B.C." Dynasty I began = c.3097 B.C." Mid-point of Dynasties I and II = -210 years" Last year of Nyntjer (10th king) = c.2887 B.C." Average rule of each king = + 21 years" First year of Nyntjer = c.2908 B.C.-13" Thirteenth year of Nyntjer = c.2895 B.C. It Was a Miracle 103As the thirteenth year of Nyntjer is equated with the 363rdyear of the  era of Horus, by adding 363 to 2895 one arrives atthe approximate Egyptian date of the Flood c.3258 B.C." Thirteenth year of Nyntjer = c.2895 B.C." 2895 B.C.= year 363 (era of Horus) = +363" First year of Era of Horus (Flood) = c.3258 B.C.The difference between the LXX date of the Flood and theapproximate Egyptian date is only 17 years!" LXX date of the Flood = 3275 B.C." Approximate Egyptian date = c.3258 B.C.Difference = 17 yearsThe 17-year difference in the above Flood dates is deemedinsignificant, as the date for the thirteenth year of Nyntjer is a closeapproximation.Once again, the chronological record of the Bible(LXX) for the Flood aligns with the extra biblical evidence.Face Value of Biblical Genealogies ConfirmedThe purpose of the foregoing analysis of comparing the biblicaldating system with the extra biblical evidence was to verify thatthe Scriptural record is accurate at face value.It has been shown,that from the time of the fall of Samaria to the Flood, thechronology of the biblical record can be trusted.It is then a simplematter of arithmetic, using the dates given in Genesis 5 (LXX), todiscover that the creation date of Adam was 5537 B.C.If the years that the Bible gives through the time of the kings ofIsrael and Judah, from Solomon s temple to Abraham, and from It Was a Miracle 104Abraham to the Flood are true, then it is reasonable to justify thereliability of the same chronological pattern from the Flood to thecreation of Adam (Genesis 5).If the biblical chronology is provenaccurate from 722 B.C.to the Flood, then there is no reason todoubt the biblical chronology from the Flood to Adam.Put anotherway, there is nothing to cast suspicion upon the scriptural record inthis regard.It is just what it claims to be and does not meananything other than what it says.There are no mysterious  gaps.The Genesis Flood took place about 3275 B.C., which meansthat many racial types, according to scientific confirmation, werein existence before the Flood.Recall that Dr.Ross admitted thatvarious racial groups existed from 4004 30,000 B.C.and that theseare  firmly established dates. Therefore, the theory that all theraces came from Noah, Adam s descendant, is without merit.Theraces existed before the Flood.Evidence From  WorshipDr [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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