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.Iresponded by telling him that it was fine with me, because nothing we did while driving the carcounted as sex.I was feeling proud of myself for having a comeback like that.Randall undid hisfly and told me he was all in.I blushed and Randall started laughing.I told him I liked the printon his underwear.He told me my compliment was worth undoing his pants.Then I had to holdthe steering wheel, because fastening them up was harder than undoing them.By the me we made it back to Chandler, Jus n and Stacy had decided on going to The LastDrop Café, because it was easy to hang out in there and wait for someone.They were offering acouple of different holiday specials all day long.Jus n wanted to try their eggnog pancakes andStacy their gingerbread pancakes.Once Stacy talked Randall into ge ng the peppermintpancakes that they would share, I ended up being the odd man out.Breakfast was not the leastbit appealing to me.I wanted the bacon cheeseburger, which was what I typically ordered.Stacy and Jus n started to rave about what a wonderful me they had had hanging outtogether.Randall and I were not going to be out-done so we shared how we had had a blast inSea le.Our descrip on of the department stores and all we had seen must have been good,because before long they both expressed a wish that they had gone down with us.Stacy turned to Randall, "I cannot wait to give you your present.You're gonna love it!"Randall rebutted, "You re gonna absolutely love what I got for you."Jus n grabbed and held my hand under the table, "I think you're going to love what Ibought you." I smiled, fuck!Randall came to my rescue, "I tried to get Derrick to blow me on the drive back up."There was an awkward silence.I did not know what to do.We were all looking at eachother.Finally I said, "Yeah, but then traffic started to move again.So I held the steering wheelso Randall could close his fly."Stacy said, "Ha ha! No way!""Way," Randall said.Stacy still did not believe him.Randall smiled at me, "Tell her."It took me a second to register what he was talking about.Then it clicked what he wastalking about, I shared what underwear he was wearing as well as how I liked the print.Stacydid not look amused.However, Jus n was.He chuckled, "Both of you were in the car, so it didn't count ascheating."Stacy caught on finally.It was a long running joke between us.Stacy's cousin, Frost had oncetold us about this guy she dated, who fucked around on her.When she found out about it, hetold her anything he had done in the car while driving did not count.He was seriouslydelusional according to Frost."Stacy saw my underwear too," Justin seemed suddenly to recall.Stacy gasped before giggling, "I'd forgotten about walking in on Justin changing.I did not seehim go into the room I had used.When I opened the door, he was standing there in his socksand underwear."I scoffed, "I'm always telling him to lock the door behind him."Stacy playfully smacked Randall, "This one is the same way."Randall smiled, "What can I say; I guess I'm not shy about my body."Our food arrived preven ng our conversa on from ge ng too far into the sexualinnuendos.However, as we ate we made plans to take our purchases home and meet up laterfor a double date night of dinner and a movie.Much to my relief there was no more talkingabout gifts during lunch.On the drive to drop me off at my house, Randall offered to go out shopping with me again,if I wanted to.I told him that I would like to hang out, but I thought I was going to be on myown for finding Justin s gift.He told me he welcomed any excuse to spend more time with me.Kris an called me asking if we could hang out tonight.I was bummed I already had plansand wished I could have included him.He was nice about it and told me it was all right.Wewished each other happy holidays and Kris an suggested that we text each other over thebreak.I told him about how Jus n and I would send each other a picture on our phones, which we called Electronic Postcards (EP).Kris an told me he would send me some.I told him I wouldsend him some back.I wished I could have invited Kristian to hang out with us tonight.Although I kept my thoughts to myself, between all of the a en on I received from Kris anand Randall wan ng to be my friend, I was feeling extra likable.I knew Jus n would beappreciative of this boost to my self-esteem later. 7  Home for the HolidaysHaydenIt didn t take long for my mother to start coming up with excuses for not ge ng me a car.She started with jumping my shit one day a er school.She was all over me about taking theini a ve to not only no ce, but also take care of things around the house without her havingto men on it or leave a note.As she was complaining at me and ge ng on my last nerve, I wastempted to throw in her face how I was willing to bet my father had le because he'd grownred of it too.Just thinking this mean thought was enough for me.In addi on, I feared theramifications of saying something so cruel might lead her to not getting me a car at all.When she got around to asking me how I planned to pay for insurance and gas, I wasalready a step ahead of her, "Ryan and I've both been job searching.We've even gone on acouple of interviews."She smiled, "I'm glad to hear that.Hang in there son.Let's get through Christmas and we'llgo car shopping afterwards."I smiled.Because not only she gave me an exact meframe, but also because I le outtelling her Ryan and I were trying to find a job where we worked together.It had been Ryan'sidea.This way we could get paid to hang out together.I thought his idea was ingenious.My mother had seemed more at ease in the days that followed ge ng the first childsupport payment from my father.I d been through a whole range of emo ons as far as myfather was concerned.I went through ha ng him, ha ng me, blaming him, blaming me, andeven accusing mom.In the end I felt hurt, betrayed and angry.In the end, I knew my mother had been right in telling me not to beat myself up over it.Shewanted me to remember that she (and Tanya) loved me and that there were others in my lifewho loved me as well.Ryan was over at the me and he professed his love of me.I tensed upworrying my mother was going to give me a funny look or complain about me being friendswith a guy who would say that out loud to me.The only thing she men oned to me followinghis comment was she was glad to see Ryan was finally talking more around her.I did not sharethis with Ryan, because I did not want him to retreat back into silence around her. It was the Friday a ernoon leading into winter break.When I arrived home from school, mymother offered to take me out to the mall to buy some clothes.Her only request was I had togive her credit for buying some of the items of clothing when people paid me complements.Iwas more than willing to do that.I was delighted she was actually taking me shopping.The mall was the most fun I d ever had there.Even more fun than the first me I d gonewith my friends and ate everything I knew I was not supposed to eat.Each me I pointed outsomething I liked, my mom would say things like,  You should get it, or  It looks good on you.Usually shopping was so painstaking, with finding items I liked and going through thenego a on process.I would typically get one in ten items I wanted to get.Today was totallydifferent, I was ten for ten [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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