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.Luckily, Harte wasn t the type to dwell on things. Can Idistract you from your distraction, then? he purred, rubbing215 AT HIS THROAT, A PROMISEagainst Ellis s body like a cat.Already interested just by the simple factor of warm bodiesaround him, Ellis grinned and nipped at Harte s shoulder. Whydon t you try, and I ll let you know how you re doing? Oh, I think that, between the two of us, we can suitably tearyour mind away from& distractions, Alastair said, thick fingersrunning over Ellis s flanks, tickling him.Harte nodded and grabbed Ellis by the wrist, pulling himforward a little.But when Ellis winced his arm felt sore Harteimmediately stopped. What s this? he said in a dark voice, holding up Ellis s arm.He was looking at Alastair, whose eyes widened. Whoa, he said, shaking his head. I used a pillowcase, Harte.I swear!Ellis looked at the arm that was being held up.There was amottled bruise around the boniest part.He checked, and the otherwrist was the same, though not as bad. He s telling the truth.I vealways bruised easily. Easily enough to be marked by cloth? Harte demanded. Apparently! Ellis felt defensive.He didn t understand whyHarte was so upset. When Master sees this& Did he give you permission to tiehim up? Did who give permission? Alastair asked. Either of them! Master or Ellis! Harte, calm down.I told him it was all right.I wanted him todo it.I remembered what you said& about Alastair liking it& Alastair took the arm that Harte was still holding up, touchingthe wrist tenderly. You did it just because you thought I d likeit?216 AT HIS THROAT, A PROMISEDeciding it wasn t the time to confess to ulterior motives, Ellisjust remained silent. If that isn t the fucking sexiest thing I ve ever heard, I don tknow what is&  There was a groan in Alistair s voice. It won t be so sexy when Master finds out, Harte said, awarning in his voice. Why would he be upset? It wasn t in the rules, and you andAlastair do it. Yeah, but Master and I had a big talk about it first.Limitationsand all that.And Alastair knows better than to leave marks. How was I supposed to know he bruises like fruit?Ellis was starting to feel a little nauseous. He won t& hewon t punish me, will he? Oh, no, Harte said, snuggling closer, which should have beenimpossible because Harte was practically on top of him as it was. He ll just be concerned about you.He s very protective.But youknow that. Let s not worry about that now, Alastair said, kissing theback of Ellis s neck, which was stiff with tension. If MasterWilliam is upset, I ll tell him it was my fault.Let Master punishme, I don t care.Ellis, beginning to suspect that Alastair s toughness was afaçade, said,  You don t have to do that.It was my choice.And Sirsaid he wouldn t repeat the punishment from before. If he beats your feet, I wonder if he ll let me watch, Hartemused, pressing his hips against Ellis and showing him exactlyhow much the idea intrigued him. His feet? Alastair said. That s what Master did to me. Harte s voice took on adreamy quality.While he obviously hadn t enjoyed the punishment217 AT HIS THROAT, A PROMISEitself, being punished was still something he needed and relished. It hurts so bad that you feel like you d do anything to stop it. That s encouraging, isn t it, Ellis? Alastair said teasingly.Ellis nodded wryly. Very.Harte seemed to snap out of it. But you re tough, you can takeit.And I don t think he d do it to you, anyway.He did my feetbecause I ran away.Maybe he ll do your wrists.Or your cock,since that s what you were thinking with. You think he d cane my cock? Harte, stop scaring the poor kid! Look, his erection s goingdown.Better do something about that.Harte s hand snaked between them to stroke Ellis s wiltingarousal.Despite the horror of the possibilities of punishment,Harte s hand quickly drew the desired reaction. Good as new, whispered Alastair, licking Ellis s ear.Trembling under the dual onslaught, Ellis could do little morethan kiss wherever he could reach except for mouths, of courseand caress similarly. Get the lube, Harte, Alastair demanded, his fingers skimmingalong Ellis s crack, making him squirm.Harte huffed but pulled away to get the jar from the nightstand,practically throwing it at Alastair.He then devoted his attention tolicking Ellis s nipples, and sucking them, and biting them.Alastairespecially enjoyed the last as it made Ellis arch his back and presshis ass into Alastair s groin [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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