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.No demureblushes, no sidelong glances to his master to indicate that hecouldn t introduce himself. Carter, he d said, like he wasn t a slave at all.Ellis had made a claim on an owned slave that night themaster must have been tired of Carter s antics, for it wasn t a weekbefore Carter was signed over to him in exchange for some probono legal services.Ellis had never used Carter.None of them had.And not really for lack of wanting himCarter was sexy and very experienced, and he d made it knownthat he d have absolutely no problem with Ellis or even Williamor Harte making use of him.Still, Ellis, Harte, and William were working on changing theslave laws.If they couldn t show that the master-slave relationshipcould benefit from a less sexual and more equalised rapport, noone would ever think about changing the laws.And it had to bedone.At first, Carter hadn t seemed to appreciate being made aguinea pig for a new way of mastering.And for his part, Ellis hadbeen tempted a great many times.After a while, though, theybecame used to their roles.Carter had three teachers he couldn thave received a better education if he d been able to pay for it.Ellis was his mentor, however.The two shared a very close friendship, and it was obvious that leaving sex and any sort ofviolence or neglect out of the picture was making Carter into abetter developed young man.Ellis believed he d be more ready forhis career than a slave who d been used had been.It was almost like Carter was nothing more than the teenager hewas.He had chores, both household and educational.He watchedtelevision and worked out in their home gym.He even babysatNell s daughter when she brought the tyke to work with her on rareoccasions.Ellis also had a fund set aside for Carter so that he had enoughmoney to get himself set up once he was free.He wouldn t bethrowing Carter to the wolves he was too important to Ellis.Carter didn t know about the money, but he d be glad when itcame.If Ellis hadn t had William to return to, he had no idea howhe would have survived until his first pay cheque from the firm.That was something else they were trying to change each slavehad to be provided for, by law and not just by tradition, in theevent of the master s death and when the slave was freed.Ellis finished dressing and combed his hair back.He loveddriving, but he could admit that he wasn t the greatest at it.William had bought them both cars when their servitude hadended.It was the ultimate statement of freedom, being able tocome and go as one pleased, having agency over one stransportation.Harte s car sat in the garage, essentially unused.Ellis s, however& Ellis s car was well-loved and well-used, ifnot well-driven. This looks amazing, Ellis said when he followed the scent offrom-scratch waffles into the dining room. I helped, Carter said from his chair.Ellis never made him kneel.Nell patted him on the head as she passed him.Ellis wastreated to the same action, and she loaded the table with syrup andbutter and icing sugar.They tucked in after Ellis demanded that Nell have a seat andeat with them.She was pregnant with her second and all thestanding made her feet swell horribly.Once finished, Carter helped Ellis slip into his jacket at thefront door. Have a good day at work, Master, he said in a teasing voice.They d explained that he didn t have to call them Master if hedidn t want to, but he insisted he liked it especially the way bothHarte and Ellis blushed or stammered when he did. You, too, Carter, and don t forget  The Shivestone readings, yes, I know. His smile wasindulgent as he wrapped his arms around Ellis.Ellis s hand rested on his back, the slave sheath still so familiarto his touch.He knew that Carter wished there was more betweenthem, something sexual.He d offered to find another master forhim, one who would use him, but Carter insisted, in that dramatic,put-upon way he was so fond of, that he wouldn t trade Ellis as amaster for all the sex in the world.Carter kissed his cheek and gave Ellis the grin that had broughtthem together in the first place.There were times when Ellis wasafraid it was only a matter of time before he gave in to Carter smany charms.Harte and William certainly wouldn t mind theyeven encouraged it, in private.Still& if he gave in to Carter, Carter might become attached [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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