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."In thepresent, right now, there is only one woman.""Who?" She had to ask because she had to hear it.At thatmoment, she wanted nothing else but a confirmation that hestill cared for her.Even if it was only physical desire, sheneeded him to want her."You." His hand left her cheek and caressed down her neckthen stroked her above the collar of her dress."I want tomake love to you, Chelsi." His torturous, seductive handglided back up and played along her bottom lip making ittingle."Say yes.""Yes."Vincent paused as if he wasn't sure he'd heard hercorrectly.Then in a blink he took action.Scooping her up intohis arms, he lowered his head and kissed her.This kiss wasunlike the wild, blinding obsession at his office or the gentlepassion he'd shown her in the kitchen; instead it was adetermined ardor.This one displayed his skill and dedicationto her pleasure.Out there in the back of his grand house, he took his time.Holding her body firmly against his chest, he dipped into hermouth and claimed her.Moaning, she wrapped her armsaround his neck and gave back in full measure.She wasn't sure how long they stood out their devouringeach other orally, but finally he pulled back.Moving towardthe house, he carried her as if she weighed nothing.She waseven surprised how well he maneuvered the sliding glass door169 Reignitedby Bridget Midwayopen then glided it shut with his foot.He never broke eyecontact with her, and every few feet he placed a peck eitheron her lips, her neck, or her ear.They hadn't toured the house before their walk, and atthat moment she could care less about the architecture or thedesigns and decorations of the rooms they passed through ontheir way to his room.At the bottom of the stairs, he gaveher another soul shaking kiss then another on the toplanding.By the time they arrived at his room, she was tremblingwith need.The desire to feel his body naked and pressedalong hers was maddening.Vincent laid her on the bed thenknelt at the foot of it, his knees pressing into the mattress,and lifted her foot, removing one of her heels then the other.Once both shoes dropped to the floor, he kissed the tops ofher feet then moved to the ankles and placed his lips there.Alternating from one leg to the other, Vincent kissed andlicked his way up to her knees.Looking down on her, he said,"You are beautiful, Chelsi."As she looked down the length of her body while lyingprone in the center of his massive bed, her heart fluttered athis words.Her body had changed, filled out since high school.It was nice to know that he liked the new Chelsi."Thank you."His hands circled her knees, tickling the backs."Are yousure you want to do this?"She didn't have time for doubt.If she allowed her mind toconcentrate on why this shouldn't be happening and all thatstood between them, she'd run out screaming."I just want to170 Reignitedby Bridget Midwayfeel right now.I don't want to think.Make everything goaway but this moment, Vincent."For a second, he just held her gaze.There was somethingin his sexy blue eyes.She worried that he would disregardher request and press her for answers, but he didn't."It would be my pleasure." Giving her a wicked, crookedsmile, he slipped his hands under her dress and slip andremoved her panties without pause.As he parted her thighs, she glanced down, hypnotized atthe sight of his hands caressing her.Those warm, long fingerslooked perfect against her skin, like they belonged there.Shealways enjoyed the contrast of their two skins.They lookedright and perfect.He traced a line along the center of her thighs with histongue slowly making its way to the place she desired hisattention the most.When she thought she couldn't take onemore moment of wait, he blew a light burst of cool air alongher clit.Her body trembled, and all the blood rushed to hercore."Shouldn't we get undressed?" she mumbled."No, I want to please the birthday girl first." His heatedgaze, eyes almost dark blue with desire, watched her as hesettled in position between her legs."Happy birthday to me.""Smooth and wet I'm a lucky man." A quick swipe of histongue had all thoughts falling from her mind, fast andunguarded, like boulders over a cliff.He swirled around thetaut nub, playing with it.171 Reignitedby Bridget MidwayShe lifted her hips from the bed, begging him to stop theteasing.Chuckling, Vincent continued.Unhurried, he dragged histongue down her slit.When he reached the opening of hersex, he burrowed inside.Her walls tightened around him ashe pulled out then dove in again.In and out, he fucked heruntil she was thrusting her pelvis up to meet his face.Hisstrong hands gripped her thighs, raising her up and pressingthem wide.Placing her sex on display.She didn't care as longas he didn't stop pleasuring her.Continuing his actions, he moved up between her labia,licking and suckling her lips on the way to her clit.His hold onher thighs kept her immobilized, restraining her movement.The grip kept her from being able to work her sex against hismouth and come.Control, a new side of Vincent that hadn'tbeen there when they were teens, turned her own.She was so wet with need she could feel her own juicesrunning down between her cheeks.Moaning, she wanted toplead with him to give her satisfaction, but she held back.Taking her clit into his mouth, he drew in the throbbingpeak.Her hands began a search for purchase then finallyplowed into his thick wavy hair.When he flicked her rapidlywith his tongue, brushing along the left side of her clit, shecame.Screaming and thrashing, she bucked against hismouth.Shudders wracked her body erratically as he gingerlylicked her sex, collecting the cream of her pleasure as if itwere his favorite treat.As the tremors became mildvibrations, Vincent pulled her up to a seated position.Leaning172 Reignitedby Bridget Midwayforward, he offered her his mouth.Not forcing her to receiveher juices, he sat and waited.With him only a breath away, she took in her own headyscent, an aromatic spice and a reminder that he'd selflesslybrought her to a sensual haven.She didn't hesitate as shecupped his cheeks and bowed her head to him.Their kiss wascarnal, explosive and left them both gasping for air.Her sheer, pale blue dress and its lacy black under-slipwere over her head in a flash.In her peripheral vision, shesaw the light crepe material float to the ground.Vincent's voracious blue eyes skimmed along every nudearea of her body now revealed to him."I have seen you naked so often in my dreams, Chelsi, butno memory could do the reality of you justice."Warmth flooded her body at his words.Vincent haddreamed of her.The knowledge made her heart swell andpound in her chest.Maybe he had missed her as much as sheyearned for him.Palming her breasts, he fondled them and pinched hernipples until they became erect between his fingers.She gasped at the sharp, erotic pain."You like that?""Yes," she panted.He squeezed again, and she closed her eyes and pushedher breast into his hands, enjoying the attention."I bet you'll like this better." Leaning down, he took oneglobe into his mouth, circling and plying the sensitive tip withhis tongue.173 Reignitedby Bridget Midway"Oh." she cried out.Her sex began to throb again.Squirming on the bed, she told him, "I want you undressed."Her nipple popped out of his mouth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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