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."It's not going to happen, G." He kissed Giles on thelips."I tried so hard.I was so proud of them.""As well you should be.They're good.""They're us." Giles' eyes closed again, the man hidingaway."Which makes the rejection even harder.But G, justbecause one group of people doesn't like them doesn'tmean they're no good, doesn't mean they won't be lovedby anyone else.""Why didn't you just let me go?"He smiled.The same reason Giles was still bound.The same reason he wasn't letting his G out of his sightfor a few days."Because I love you and you're mine.""I can't be happy."Harrison snorted."That is a load of bullshit.""You're not an artist.You don't know.Maybe I haveto be crazy.Maybe they're all right." Giles was justbeing silly now."Untie me.""I don't think so.Your work is stunning.It wasstunning before you met me, and it's stunning now.It'llbe stunning next week, whether I'm still here or not." HeDrawn - 201 got right into Giles' face."You don't have to be crazy,starving, miserable, or any of those other words peopleuse in order to be an artist." Giles refused to look at him,refused to acknowledge him.He growled."I'm not goinganywhere, G.You push at me as hard as you need to.I.Am.Not.Going.Anywhere.""You can't fight the art.It's bigger than us."He was going to beat the man."Don't you get it, Giles? The art isn't going anywhere,either.It doesn't matter if you're happy or sad or starvingor crazy or rich or poor.It's going to be there.Thecanvases on the wall of that gallery are brilliant becausethey're honest.Those critics just didn't like what theywere saying.Too fucking bad for them.The critics don'tmean anything to you, to the art."Giles took a hitching breath, shivered, and Harrisonthought the man was actually listening to him."The art's inside you, it's a huge talent.But it isn'teverything you are.Not even close."Giles shook his head, like that thought was too muchto even consider."It isn't." He was going to keep saying it, keeppressing the thought home until Giles heard him.Giles' cell phone started ringing, the sound surprisinghim.No one called Giles but Marisa.He consideredletting it ring for only about two seconds; if he didn'tanswer it, she'd worry."Don't move." Like Giles could -- he was still tied tothe bed.Harrison went over to Giles' pants and dug outthe cell phone."Hello?""Harrison? Do you have Giles? Is he okay? I know itwas ugly yesterday, but he needs to breathe.The newstuff is selling.It's just different.Tell him he can't cuthimself."Drawn - 202 "I have Giles.He's safe and sound and mostdefinitely not cutting himself.It's selling, is it?" He knewit."Oh, thank God." She took a sobbing breath."Iwould have called last night, but Barry said you'd lefttogether, and I waited as long as I could.""I'm sorry; I should have known you'd be worried."The next time, he would text."I know it was scary for him last night.He puts somuch of himself out there, and people are suchassholes." She started crying hard, and someonemurmured softly.Then he heard the phone changinghands."Harrison? Barry here.She's completely besideherself, exhausted." Barry's voice lowered."She owesme twenty bucks if her pregnancy test is positive inthirty seconds.""Oh, wow.That would be cool.Giles is fine.Andhe's going to be even better hearing that the new piecesare selling.I told him he couldn't worry about what afew asshole critics were saying.""That's right.They love to hate.Take care of him fora couple of days? I'll take care of my girl." He heard aseries of soft words, then a husky laugh."Tell him he'sgoing to be an uncle.Tell him we're very, very busycelebrating and to call in a few days.Maybe a week.""Oh, congratulations! I'll tell him.Thanks, Barry.You take care of your lady.""You know it."The line went dead."Marisa? Is she okay?""She's pregnant." He put the phone back in Giles'pants' pocket and went back to his lover."You're goingto be an uncle.""She's pregnant.Wow." Giles stayed there, stretchedout, staring.Shell-shocked."I need to go home."Drawn - 203 "Nope.She's got Barry, and you've got me.She alsosaid to let you know that the paintings are selling." Hesat next to Giles and tweaked a nipple ring."Don't.I'm not in the mood.I have a headache.I'mtired."Harrison had to chuckle."Glad I'm so fucking funny." Oh, there was a hint offury there."I'm not laughing at you, G.I'm laughing at your useof every excuse in the book.""Fuck you." Giles looked suddenly young, hurt,terrified."No.No, I don't think so." He pressed their foreheadstogether."I'm going home." So lost.So worried.His sub."You are home, G.""I'm here with you.""Yes.Exactly.""I don't know what to do." Giles whispered the wordsinto the space between them."You do what you always do.You paint.You let memake love to you.It's all good." He closed their mouthstogether, taking a kiss.Giles opened for him, tongue tasting like tears.Hekept the kiss soft, gentle.Giles moaned, more tearssliding from the man's eyes.He licked them away, sliding his body along Giles',giving the man something physical to focus on.So muchpressure.So much worry.Giles needed to come and cryand fight, then sleep.He twisted a nipple ring, his kneepushing between Giles' legs."Please don't.""You need this.""Please don't.Don't love me.""I do." He did.And he wasn't going to stop.Drawn - 204 He kissed Giles again, slid his hand down to wraparound the long prick.Giles tried to pull away, to curlinto himself."You can't get away from me." He tightened his gripon Giles' cock."Can too." Giles moaned for him, fingers openingand closing."Nope.You're mine." And not going anywhere."What if I say you can't have me?""It doesn't matter what you say -- you're mine."This time, Giles didn't argue."Good." He muttered the word into Giles' mouth,then tugged on the full lower lip.His hands movedrestlessly, dragging hard over Giles' skin.He flickedeach nipple, then moved his hand to tug on the PrinceAlbert and the hafada barbell.He wanted Giles to feelhim, focus on him, on them.He sucked on Giles' tongue, played with the tip withhis own.Giles played back, tongue brushing his.That'swhat he wanted.He slid his hand around Giles' hip, holding on.Itwould get easier -- once Giles understood the lifestyle,understood that he was the master, that he could helpGiles find peace.Subspace.Ease.Once they had that, Giles would be able to losehimself in the art and not care what the critics had tosay.There would be Giles' work and the rest of Giles'life.He slid down Giles' body, biting one eager nipple.Giles hummed softly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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