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."What's going through that head of yours?""It doesn't matter." Maybe Billy would understand if he just stayed somewhere else.Billy growled."It does matter.You matter.""I'm just thinking.""About what?"About what a worthless piece of shit he was."I made a mistake.""We all make mistakes.Go on.""Huh? Where?" Okay.Where was he going to go? Maybe he'd just stay.Jesus.Where.Where was safe?"I meant continue.Tell me about this mistake.""I can't go home.""What are you talking about? Of course you can.""They'll come back.They'll hurt you.This is already my fault; I'll make it worse.""Now wait a second.You've said two very different things.I hadn't considered that theymight come back, but you could be right.We'll stay at a hotel when we get in and thencall the police, see what's happened." Billy kissed him hard then."But this isn't yourfault.""A hotel.Oh." Oh, okay.Yes."You see what happens when you tell me things?""I just was worried." He took a deep breath.Snared - 172 "I know.But you told me and you were right -- I hadn't thought of it at all.And nowwith both of us in the know, we came up with a solution."Tanny moved back over, hand on Billy's arm."I don't want you hurt.Ever again.""No, I'd rather not experience being shot again.And that goes for you, too, hmm? Myheart ached for you when I found out what happened.I was so scared for you -- I neverwanted you to feel homeless again.""I was so ashamed." The words made him duck his head, hide behind his hair."I'm so sorry, love." Billy squeezed him, stroked his back."You have no reason to beashamed.""It's my fault.""The only thing you did wrong was not tell me about it.If you'd known helping thepolice out would get me shot -- would you have done it?""No." No, he would have.done.something."Well, then.You were doing the right thing.Don't be trying to assume guilt where thereisn't any.I know that's one of your things, but it has to stop."He didn't understand, really, so he didn't respond.What was he supposed to say to that?Billy held him quietly for a moment or two, and then his lover shifted, one hand landinghigh on his thigh."I brought along something special.""You brought you."Billy beamed at him."Me, plus something else.""Thank you." He hummed, leaning into Billy happily.Billy chuckled."Are you still going to be happy when you hear it's the cage?""That you're here, yeah, but.I.Why did you bring it?""Because you're mine, and it's the best way to show you.""You say stuff that doesn't make a lot of sense sometimes.""You don't think that made sense?" Billy nodded toward the bag that lay on the floor.Itwas the laptop bag he'd made for Billy."Reach that for me, love?"He nodded, reached down, and handed it over.Billy opened up the bag and pulled out thecage before pushing the bag back onto the floor.Snared - 173 "Billy, we can't put that on here, man.""The privacy shield is up." Billy took one of his hands and kissed the palm."Undo yourpants for me and then put it on.""But." He looked at the window dealie."I.He can't see, right?""That's right.I'm not into sharing.You're mine."Tanny shivered, bit his bottom lip.Yeah.Yeah, he was.He liked hearing it, though.Likedknowing it."Now, fish out your cock and cage it.""Shh." Billy was going to make him hard, then he couldn't.The low, deep chuckle said Billy knew."Do it, and I will hush.""You'll make me hard.Quiet.""If you had it on already, it wouldn't matter.I said I'd stop telling you to do it when youactually started doing it."He turned the cage over and over in his hands, mind spinning."Montana." There was a warning note in Billy's voice now."What?""Put on the cage.""I'm a little wigged out.""You still need to put the cage on.""I.here?" He searched Billy's eyes, caught up inside."Right here.Right now.Because I said so." Billy's fingers reached out and touched hischeek, reminding him they were in this together."For you." He fumbled, trying to make sure the driver couldn't possibly see, but hemanaged to force the cage on."For us," murmured Billy, and he could hear the pride in his lover's -- Master's? -- voice.He got his jeans done up, but it was uncomfortable, too tight, the metal pushing into hisgroin.Snared - 174 Billy reached into them and shifted his cock to the right, the pressure easing as room wasfound."You may come again when I do."He nodded.That was fair.Billy not being able to was his fault.Billy pulled him back close and then pulled out a cell phone."Call Margaret and let herknow you're okay, that you're coming home with me.She'll want to know.""Okay." He dialed Margaret's number, waiting.When she answered, he smiled."Margaret.""Son.Heather called.He came?""Uh-huh.""Good.You okay?""Yeah.""The police were at the shop today, looking for you for questioning, son.They madesome arrests."His heart started racing."Oh, God.I'm sorry, Margaret.Did they bother you?""I'm just fine.I told them you were out of harm's way and that was good enough for me.It isn't right, the way they used you." Her voice had gone all hard and he could just seeher, standing up to the cops and giving them what for."I.Thank you, lady.You're so good to me.We're going to go to a hotel tonight, just incase.""That's smart.Let me talk to Billy for a minute, son."He handed over the phone."Margaret, hello.That's good.Okay.Okay.Yes.Oh." Billy's eyes shot to him."Wewill.Thank you.Yes, hopefully that'll be soon.Talk to you later."Billy handed him the phone and he took it."Is everything okay?""Everything is going to be fine, Tanny.I'll see you at work Monday, yes?""It's only Wednesday." He wasn't lazy."I know." She chuckled."But Billy needs some care taken, yes?""Right."Snared - 175 "Take care of yourself, honey.And of Billy.Night."The phone went dead and Billy's arm slid over his shoulder, pulling him close once again."Is everything okay?""Yeah, it's fine." Billy kissed the top of his head."Tell me how you came to be helpingthe cops against these drug dealers?""There's one that.he's always been on my ass.You met him once, I think.He was at thestudio, over and over.Waiting for me, waiting for me to get out of work, following mehome, waiting for me to fuck up.One day, I did."Billy growled."You should have told me he was still harassing you." His lover cleared histhroat."Sorry, go on.What do you mean by one day you fucked up?""I didn't wait for the light to change.I didn't see it was red, really, I was in a hurry tryingto get home to you, and he fucking pegged me for jaywalking and then he had rockand.""Son of a bitch [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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