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.Take us up, away from Uncibal. Just as you say, but can t you explain? Yes, as we go! Jantiff set off at a run, throwing bits of sentences over his shoulder.Shermatz,jogging alongside be-came grim. Yes; logical.Even probable.We can t take the chance thatyou re wrong.They boarded the space-car; Uncibal fell away below: row after row of many-colored blocksreceding into the haze.To the side spread the Field, dark with the  notables of Arrabus.Shermatztouched the telescreen controls; the voice spoke   delay of only a few minutes; the Whispers are ontheir way.They will tell you how bitterly our enemies resent the success of egalism! They will namenames and cite facts!.The Whispers are still delayed; they should be on the Pedestal now.Patience foranother minute or two! If the Whispers appear on the Pedestal I am wrong, said Jantiff. Intuitively I accept your conclusion, said Shermatz. But I am still confused by your facts.Youmentioned a certain Swarkop and his cargoes, and also a person named Olin.How do they interrelate?Where do you start your chain of logic? With an idea we have discussed before.The authentic Whispers were known to many folk; the newWhispers as well.There is a strong similarity between the two groups, but not an identity.The newWhispers must minimize the risk of recognition and exposure. Olin came to the Field; someone sent him a ticket.Who? He is a friend of Esteban, but hardly anotable.There are legitimate notables present: the Delegates, for instance.They are well acquainted withthe old Whispers.I imagine that all Esteban s acquaintances are at the Field, and all those of Skorlet andof Sarp: all received tickets, and all wondered why they were considered  notable. I saw no one fromOld Pink, but they would arrive by a different lateral.Again, six tickets were sent to Alastor Agency.Assume that the Con-natic was visiting Arrabus.His curiosity might well be piqued by the placards.Hecertainly would not have joined the Whispers on the Pedestal, but he very likely would have used one ofthe tickets.Shermatz gave a curt nod. I am happily able to assure you that the Connatic definitely did not useone of these tickets.So now, what of Swarkop? He is a barge operator who carried six cargoes of frack. Jantiff had the odd sensation that hiswords trig-gered the event.Below them the landscape erupted.The Field became an instant seethe ofwhite flame, then disappeared under a roiling cloud of gray dust.Other blurts of white flame withsubsequent billows of dust appeared elsewhere across Uncibal.The craters they left behind marked thesites of Old Pink and six other blocks, the Travelers Inn and Alastor Centrality.In the cities Waunisse,Serce and Propunce thirteen other blocks, each with its full complement of occupants, in like fashionbecame columns of dust and hot vapor. I was right, said Jantiff. Very much too right.Shermatz slowly reached out and touched a button. Cor-chione. Here, sir. The program is canceled.Call down hospital ships. Very well, sir.Jantiff spoke in a dreary voice:  I should have understood the facts sooner. You understood in time to save my life, said Shermatz. I am pleased on this account. He lookeddown across Unci-bal, where the dust was drifting slowly south. The plan now becomes clear.Threeclasses of people were to be eliminated: persons who knew the old Whispers, persons who knew thenew Whispers, and a rather smaller group, consisting either of the Connatic or the Connatic srepresentative, should either be on hand.But you survived and I survived and the plan has failed. The Whispers will not know of the failure.They will con-sider themselves secure, and they will be preparing the next stage of their plan.Can you guess how this will be imple-mented?Jantiff made a weary gesture. No.I am numb. Scapegoats are needed: the enemies of egalism.Who on Wyst is still acquainted with one of theWhispers? The Contractors.They know Shubart. Exactly.Within hours all contractors will be arrested.The Whispers will announce that the criminalshave made abject confessions, and that justice has been done.All future con-tracting will be managed bya new egalistic organization, at improved efficiency; and the Whispers will share the wealth of Arrabusbetween them.Any moment now we can expect their first indignant outcries. Shermatz fell silent; thetwo sat looking across battered Uncibal.A chime sounded.On the screen appeared the four Whispers:Skorlet, Sarp, Esteban and Shubert, their images blurred as if seen through wavering water. They still are afraid to exhibit themselves in all clarity, Shermatz observed. Not too many peoplesurvive who might recognize them but there are probably a few.In the next week or so they would nodoubt disappear.Quietly, mysteri-ously: who would trouble or wonder why?Esteban stepped forward a half-pace and spoke, his voice ringing with dull passion:  Folk ofArrabus! By the chance of a few minutes delay, your Whispers have survived the cat-aclysm.TheConnatic hopefully has also escaped; he never arrived to the stipulated place of rendezvous, and we asyet have no sure knowledge.Unless he went incognito out upon the Field, he escaped, and the assassinsfailed in double measure! We are not yet able to make a coherent statement; all of us are grief-strickenby the loss of so many cherished comrades.Be assured, however, the demons who planned this frightfuldeed will never survive Shermatz touched a button. Corchione. Here, sir. Trace the source of the message. I am so doing, sir [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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