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."And this must be Prince Farad'n.Welcome to Arrakis, Prince." Ghanima's eyes appeared empty.She held her right hand on a ceremonial crysknife at her waist, and she appeared to be trying to escape from Leto's grip on her arm.Leto shook her arm and her whole body shook with it."Behold me, family," Leto said."I am Ari, the Lion of the Atreides.And here --" Again he shook Ghanima's arm with that powerful ease which set her whole body jerking."-- here is Aryeh, the Atreides Lioness.We come to set you onto Secher Nbiw, the Golden Path." Ghanima, absorbing the trigger words, Secher Nbiw, felt the locked-away consciousness flow into her mind.It flowed with a linear nicety, the inner awareness of her mother hovering there behind it, a guardian at a gate.And Ghanima knew in that instant that she had conquered the clamorous past.She possessed a gate through which she could peer when she needed that past.The months of self-hypnotic suppression had built for her a safe place from which to manage her own flesh.She started to turn toward Leto with the need to explain this when she became aware of where she stood and with whom.Leto released her arm."Did our plan work?" Ghanima whispered."Well enough," Leto said.Recovering from her shock, Alia shouted at a clump of guards on her left: "Seize them!" But Leto bent, took the fallen door with one hand, skidded it across the room into the guards.Two were pinned against the wall.The others fell back in terror.That door weighed half a metric ton and this child had thrown it.Alia, growing aware that the corridor beyond the doorway contained fallen guards, realized that Leto must have dealt with them, that this child had shattered her impregnable door.Jessica, too, had seen the bodies, seen the awesome power in Leto and had made similar assumptions, but Ghanima's words touched a core of Bene Gesserit discipline which forced Jessica to maintain her composure.This grandchild spoke of a plan."What plan?" Jessica asked."The Golden Path, our Imperial plan for our Imperium," Leto said.He nodded to Farad'n."Don't think harshly of me, cousin.I act for you as well.Alia hoped to have Ghanima slay you.I'd rather you lived out your life in some degree of happiness." Alia screamed at her guards cowering in the passage: "I command you to seize them!" But the guards refused to enter the room."Wait for me here, sister," Leto said."I have a disagreeable task to perform." He moved across the room toward Alia.She backed away from him into a corner, crouched and drew her knife.The green jewels of its handle flashed in the light from the window.Leto merely continued his advance, hands empty, but spread and ready.Alia lunged with the knife.Leto leaped almost to the ceiling, struck with his left foot.It caught Alia's head a glancing blow and sent her sprawling with a bloody mark on her forehead.She lost her grip on the knife and it skidded across the floor.Alia scrambled after the knife, but found Leto standing in front of her.Alia hesitated, called up everything she knew of Bene Gesserit training.She came off the floor, body loose and poised.Once more Leto advanced upon her.Alia feinted to the left but her right shoulder came up and her right foot shot out in a toe-pointing kick which could disembowel a man if it struck precisely.Leto caught the blow on his arm, grabbed the foot, and picked her up by it, swinging her around his head.The speed with which he swung her sent a flapping, hissing sound through the room as her robe beat against her body.The others ducked away.Alia screamed and screamed, but still she continued to swing around and around and around.Presently she fell silent.Slowly Leto reduced the speed of her whirling, dropped her gently to the floor.She lay in a panting bundle.Leto bent over her."I could've thrown you through a wall," he said."Perhaps that would've been best, but we're now at the center of the struggle.You deserve your chance." Alia's eyes darted wildly from side to side."I have conquered those inner lives," Leto said."Look at Ghani.She, too, can --" Ghanima interrupted: "Alia, I can show you --" "No!" The word was wrenched from Alia.Her chest heaved and voices began to pour from her mouth.They were disconnected, cursing, pleading."You see! Why didn't you listen?" And again: "Why're you doing this? What's happening?" And another voice: "Stop them! Make them stop!" Jessica covered her eyes, felt Farad'n's hand steady her.Still Alia raved: "I'll kill you!" Hideous curses erupted from her."I'll drink your blood!" The sounds of many languages began to pour from her, all jumbled and confused.The huddled guards in the outer passage made the sign of the worm, then held clenched fists beside their ears.She was possessed! Leto stood, shaking his head.He stepped to the window and with three swift blows shattered the supposedly unbreakable crystal-reinforced glass from its frame.A sly look came over Alia's face.Jessica heard something like her own voice come from that twisting mouth, a parody of Bene Gesserit control."All of you! Stay where you are!" Jessica, lowering her hands, found them damp with tears.Alia rolled to her knees, lurched to her feet."Don't you know who I am?" she demanded.It was her old voice, the sweet and lilting voice of the youthful Alia who was no more."Why're you all looking at me that way?" She turned pleading eyes to Jessica."Mother, make them stop it." Jessica could only shake her head from side to side, consumed by ultimate horror.All of the old Bene Gesserit warnings were true.She looked at Leto and Ghani standing side by side near Alia.What did those warnings mean for these poor twins? "Grandmother," Leto said, and there was pleading in his voice [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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