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.Mmm, Jared, his mind whispered contentedly. Hmm? came the response.Did I say that out loud? ne ild ish evon hodes No, Jared mumbled uncomfortably.What the fuck? Rory pressed his lips firmly together tomake sure he wasn t whispering.Okay, can you hear menow? Or am I losing my mind?A sigh from his bedmate. No, you re not.I guess it stime to talk about a few things. You can hear what I m thinking? Mind reeling, Rorytried to roll away from Jared, who, after a brief tightening ofhis embrace, reluctantly relinquished his hold.Rory stoppedon the edge of the bed, trying to wrap his mind around theevidence before him.But before he thought any more aboutit&. Hey.Can you, uh, turn that off for a while? I want tothink in private. An awful thought occurred to him. Or ismy mind an open book now? Shit. He dropped his head intohis hands.Just a little while ago, he d thought that theBenny/wolf thing was the weirdest thing that had everhappened to him. I can tune you out, yes. Rory could almost feel Jared shand hovering just inches from his back and waited for thetouch he wasn t certain he wanted.Perversely, he was deeplydisappointed when the hand dropped away without makingcontact.Jared sighed. I m only so strong, Rory, and if I touchyou, there s no way I can keep your thoughts fromcommunicating themselves to me.Rory whipped around, pissed. I thought I told you tostay out of my head! ne ild ish evon hodes Well, fuck, Rory.I m just getting the hang of this too,Jared shot back. And when you re thinking that fuckinghard, it s like ignoring a bullhorn.Something clicked in Rory s brain. This is new to youtoo.But it didn t surprise you.Not entirely. One thoughtand memory after another chased around his mind: thestacked physiques of Jared and Curtis and everyone elsehere for that matter.The stealthy, silent way they moved.The weird way Jared sniffed at the blood on his fingers.Theban on photography.On horror flick after another flashed in turn.Vampiresturning into wolves and bats, bloodthirsty werewolves.God,was he nuts? It would be easy to dismiss this all as a dream,except for the indisputable way Jared was now able to pluckthoughts and emotions out of his mind.Jared watched him solemnly, warily, and Rory realizedthat his bedmate was tense with& fear? As if he expected hiswhole world to be swept out from under his feet.Rory felt awash of compassion for him.Jared must be worried sickabout Curtis, and Rory s tantrum wasn t helping matters.After all, it wasn t as if Jared had ever shown any ill intenttoward Rory or anyone else.No, he was intelligent andconsiderate and caring.His eyes wandered down Jared sstill-naked form.And sexy as hell.He tried an experiment.Watching Jared closely, hementally shouted, What are you? as  loud as he could andwas rewarded with a visible wince. Does this mean you re ready to talk? Jared rubbed histemple wearily. ne ild ish evon hodesRory agreed wholeheartedly. Oh, fuck yes, it s time totalk.For starters, why the hell can you hear me, and I can thear you, dammit? That s so not fair. ne ild ish evon hodesChapter SixOF ALL the possible first questions Rory could have come upwith, Jared was unprepared for that one.And he was a littlestunned himself.Mental communication outside of bloodrelatives was not unheard of, but it was not common either.Only a small percentage of mates ever achieved that sort ofconnection.Might as well get this over with.You can when I m projecting to you.Rory s beautiful eyes widened.Oh good! That s muchbetter.Wow! How awesome is that?Now Jared was utterly floored.He d expected disbelief,fear, or even disgust, but not& excitement?  This doesn tbother you? Bother? That s a bit strong.It s freaky, yeah, but,honestly? He shrugged. Hell no, this is the coolest thingthat s ever happened to me. Rory gazed up at himexpectantly. Say something else.Jared felt an unwilling smile surface at the antics of hisnew mate.Like what?Mate?!Uh oh.Did he leak that? Rory s eyes had narrowed onhis speculatively. ne ild ish evon hodes Are you a vampire? No, duh, I ve seen you out in thedaylight.Oh! he gasped. I know, you re werewolves! Thatwolf in the parking lot, was that you? Dammit, you scaredthe shit out of me, Rory scolded.Jared tried to keep up. Whoa, okay.Slow down.You repartially right. He watched Rory carefully, heart pounding,as he disclosed,  We re shapeshifters.Rory cocked his head inquisitively. So what does thatmean? Can you pick any shape? Ooh, how about a dragon?Can you become a dragon? Or does it have to be a  realanimal? Oh, well, I guess if you re real, then maybe dragonsare too.It was the most Twilight Zone conversation Jared hadever taken part in.He snorted.And Jared had thought Rorywould be the one confused. Silly man.Uh, shapeshifter.Now, about thedragons&.A double knock on the suite door made them bothjump, and Jared managed to get them both covered with asheet before Tom used his passkey to come in. We know where they are.JARED glanced in Rory s general direction one last time.Hewas firmly ensconced over Jared s vehement objections inthe cab of the truck just out of sight.He d refused to staybehind at the lodge, saying that since Richard had beendrawn here because of him, he needed to be there when theyripped Richard to pieces.Jared had patiently explained that ne ild ish evon hodesthey weren t going to kill the man, to Rory s reluctantunderstanding.He d pouted for a moment before concedingthat killing him was indeed a bit drastic [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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