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. Thank you, he said again before stepping back. Please, come in. Ian did, and Drake barely kept from drooling over the man.The tight jeans were dang near indecent, the way they cupped Ian s packageand his butt.Ian wore a long-sleeved button-up shirt that stretched perfectly over his shoulders.The shade of green really set his pale eyesoff, too.Drake had to touch.He wasn t ever interested in topping, but he appreciated a fine backside like any healthy person did.As Ian passedhim, Drake rubbed his bottom.Ian stopped and peered over his shoulder at Drake questioningly. I just have to touch it, Drake explained, looking down to watch as he did so. I meant what I said before.I don t mind fingering orrimming you, toys or whatever, but the idea of topping makes me kind of& uncomfortable.Ian reached back and put his hand on top of Drake s. This is good to discuss, to learn each other s boundaries.I don t like anything upmy ass, although I don t really know about rimming.I ve never let anyone do that to me.No one s ever offered, actually.That s a ratherpersonal thing, more than fucking and not something I ve done to anyone else, either.Haven t wanted to. Oh. Drake let Ian guide his hand, encouraging Drake to squeeze and grope. I didn t want to do that with a temporary partner, Ian was saying, his voice deepening. I ve only ever sucked a sub s cock once beforeI sucked you the other night.I wanted to learn how, in case& But you I had to have your cock in my mouth, Drake.I want to do everythingwe both want. Yes, was all Drake could manage, then Ian was spinning them both around.Drake ended up pressed against the wall as Ian plunderedhis mouth.The flowers were dropped on the floor as he grabbed a hold of Ian s shoulders.Geez, he d been waiting for this forever!Ian s hands on his hips felt perfect, the press of his body against Drake s sparking every nerve inside him to shivering tendrils of need.Ian moaned and thrust his cock against Drake s.Heat swirled out from Drake s groin and he hitched his right leg up for better, more,everything he could get.Ian s thrust grew harder, driving Drake s butt against the wall.Drake s climax built rapidly, but just when he thought he was going tocome, Ian backed off, panting unevenly.Drake closed his eyes and smacked his head against the wall. Shoot.Didn t mean to get carried away. They needed condoms on andnaked, being naked, would be awesome. We could warm dinner up later, Ian suggested, but his stomach rumbled and Drake shook his head. Once we make it to bed, I don t intend to let you up again until morning, he told Ian.The flare of want in Ian s eyes, the way thepupils chased the blue away until only a thin ring of it remained, had Drake feeling like a million bucks and a stud extraordinaire. I m holding you to that. Ian stepped back. I wasn t sure what you d want, but since it s going to get down to fucking, let me run out tothe truck and get my bag.Drake blinked at him. I didn t want to be presumptuous. Ian grinned then pinched Drake s left nipple hard enough to make him grit his teeth not against a stop , but against a plea for more.Ian needed to eat.Ian went back outside, and Drake heard him talking to the pups in their pen, which had been doubled in size over the past week.Thepups were growing fast, and their enclosure had to do the same.Carlos said he was paying someone to come out and help them train thedogs.Drake s offer to help with the cost was rejected since Carlos said he d have paid the guy the same fee whether Drake had been learningor not.Drake shook himself out of his wandering thoughts and walked into the kitchen.He took the steaks out of the oven, along with thebaked potatoes and asparagus.He frowned.Maybe fixing a green vegetable hadn t been a smart thing to do.Visions of him in orgasmic blisswith green stuff stuck between his teeth flitted through his mind. Oh, God&  Drake looked at the trash can as he heard the screen door being opened.They could just have the baked potatoes andsteaks& The door smacked shut and Ian s footsteps sounded down the hall.Okay, okay.Just chew it with the molars and check your teeth in the bathroom mirror.Drake got the food on the table as Ian came intothe room. What would you like to drink? There s beer, soda, water and tea. Sweet or unsweet? Ian asked as he set a small duffle bag beside one chair.He sat down and Drake held up the pitcher. Unsweet, but I can fix yours with sugar if you want. No, thank you, Ian told him. I prefer unsweet.This looks delicious.Smells it, too. Thanks.It s just a simple meal, but I didn t know if you had any food allergies or dislikes.This seemed a safe bet. Drake got some icethen poured out two glasses of tea.He set the glasses down then sat himself down, too. I like cooking.I don t want to be a chef or anythinglike that, but this job suits me. You look happy when you re talking about your life and job here, Ian observed.Drake felt like he was beaming when he smiled at Ian. I really am.I m beginning to figure things out about myself.Always before, Ijust let the guy I was with make me what he wanted, or what he thought he wanted.I guess that s some kind of self-loathing or something. Or a need to submit twisted by idiots who didn t realise what a treasure they had in you. Ian stared at him, as if he were willing Draketo believe him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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