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.These variationsrequire soldiers to identify rooms that provide suitable indoor fighting positions forTOW, Javelin, Dragon, and AT4 antitank weapon systems.Figure 5-1.Example CACTF schematic.c.Buildings are arranged in a realistic urban pattern.The CACTF represents an areaconsisting mainly of residential, commercial, public institutional, and light industrialbuildings.Buildings and streets are arrayed with sufficient dispersion to allow up to nineplatoon-size STX sectors (Figure 5-2) or three company/team STX sectors (Figure 5-3).5-2 TC 90-1Figure 5-2.Platoon ODSS STX sectors.Offense/Defense/Airfield SeizureSASO LanesLaneFigure 5-3.Company/team STX sectors.5-3 TC 90-1d.Other urban features pose a variety of terrain considerations.The street networkincludes one and two-lane primary, secondary, local, and service roads.They join inT-shaped, L-shaped, and four-way intersections.Other features may be used to enhancerealism such as signs, benches, furniture, newsstands, utility poles, street lights,vegetation, simulated rubble, live civilians on the battlefield, role players, and OPFOR.Open areas next to the CACTF can be used for maneuvering and staging areas.The specific details and layout of the CACTF may vary from one installation to another.CAUTIONTrainers must ensure that fighting position reinforcementdoes not exceed the weight limits of the buildings inorder to avoid structural damage and safety hazards tothe soldiers.5-3.TACTICAL EXERCISE WITHOUT TROOPSA terrain walk and a TEWT may be conducted in a local downtown area to prepareleaders and to take advantage of the available time in the CACTF.Terrain walks andTEWTs are conducted to teach leaders the tactical value of urban terrain.Appendix Acontains training tips and additional information regarding the conduct of a TEWT.5-4.URBAN OPERATIONS COLLECTIVE TRAINING EXERCISESLeaders use training exercises to train, evaluate, and practice performance-orientedcollective tasks.TEWT, STX, and FTX are the three types of exercises covered in thischapter.Each is designed to help the trainer develop urban operations training skills andincrease unit proficiency in an urban environment.The urban operations collectivetraining exercises were developed using the standard CACTF described in this chapterand may be modified to fit available urban operations facilities.This chapter contains thefollowing examples of STX and FTX scenarios and OPORDs." Infantry Rifle Platoon Attack STX." Mechanized Infantry Platoon Defend STX." Infantry Rifle Company Attack FTX." Mechanized Infantry Company Team Defend FTX.a.These exercises were developed based on the principles outlined in ARTEPs,MTPs, and on the guidance provided in FM 25-101, FM 25-4, and TC 7-98-1.b.This chapter provides examples of offensive and defensive scenarios for combatin urban areas.Paragraphs 5-5 and 5-6 include two platoon STXs, and paragraphs 5-7and 5-8 include two company FTXs.Each of the example scenarios can be conductedwith blank fire, MILES/TES, 9-mm/5.56-mm SESAMS for short-range precision targetengagements (less than 50 meters), or force on force.The example exercises are designedto help the commander develop, sustain, and evaluate the unit's mission proficiency.5-4 TC 90-15-5.INFANTRY RIFLE PLATOON STX ATTACK===============================================================INFANTRY RIFLE PLATOONSITUATIONAL TRAINING EXERCISEATTACK1.Objective.This example STX trains collective, leader, and individual tasks for the platoonoperation, Attack in a Built-Up Area.2.Interface.This STX is supported by two drills from ARTEP 7-8-Drill: React to Contact and Enterand Clear a Building.3.Training.a.Guidance.ARTEP 7-8-MTP (Chapter 4), FM 25-100, and FM 25-101 providetraining guidance, tips, and enhancers for planning and executing STXs.The trainershould review the individual, leader, and collective tasks to be performed during the STXto determine the ones that require initial or refresher training.b.General Situation.(1) The exercise scenario is as follows: Contact with the enemy has beenreestablished.Initial reports indicate he is at 65 to 70 percent strength and has not beenreinforced.His defensive positions are located in the CACTF and are not wellestablished.He has the capability for indirect fire and CAS; he has already usedchemicals and will probably do so again.The platoon receives an order to prevent theenemy from establishing a heavily fortified defense in the CACTF.Such a defense couldprevent friendly forces from continuing offensive operations.(2) This exercise begins when the platoon leader receives the company FRAGO, andit ends after the platoon consolidates and reorganizes on the objective.An AAR shouldbe held after completing the task, React to Contact, and at the completion of the exercise.If necessary, portions of the exercise should be repeated until the platoon performs themto standard.Figure 5-4 provides a graphic scenario of task performance for the STXAttack.Table 5-2 provides a recommended sequence for performance of T&EOs fromARTEP 7-8-MTP and the time allotted for each portion of the STX.5-5 TC 90-1Figure 5-4.Attack STX scenario.EVENT ACTION ESTIMATED TIME1 Occupy Assembly Area 1 hour2 Develop and Communicate a Plan 1 hour3 Perform Passage of Lines 1 hour4 Move Tactically 1 hour5 React to Contact (Drill) 30 minutes6 Conduct Intermediate AAR 30 minutes7 Move Tactically 30 minutes8 Enter and Clear a Building (Drill) 1 hour9 Perform Consolidation and Reorganization 1 hour10 Conduct Final AAR 1 hour* Total Time 8 hours, 30 minutes* Conducting an exercise at night or in increased MOPP requires additional time.Table 5-2.Sequence of events and times for STX attack.5-6 TC 90-1c.Special Situation.The platoon is part of a company in a secure assembly areawhen a FRAGO to attack is received (Figure 5-5).1.SITUATION.The company is opposed by one platoon.a.Enemy Forces.The enemy is at 65 to 70 percent strength.He is preparing adefense in CACTF (MOUT site) to prevent friendly forces from continuing to attackalong the CACTF avenue of approach.He is expected to use artillery-deliverednonpersistent nerve agents in the defense of CACTF.b.Friendly Forces.(Battalion designation) attacks (date-time group) todestroy enemy forces at OBJ COWBOY (CACTF) in order to pass follow-onforces, allowing friendly forces to continue the attack.2.MISSION.(___) Company seizes OBJ HORSE (CACTF) vicinity (grid) NLT(date-time group) to prevent the enemy from establishing a heavily fortifieddefense.3.EXECUTION.a.Concept of the Operation.(See overlay.) The company moves in a wedge toAssault Position 1, assault CACTF to seize OBJ HORSE, consolidate, andreorganize.(1) Maneuver.(Evaluated) Platoon will lead the company and be the main effortin the attack.They seize OBJ SADDLE vicinity (grid) to allow passage of friendlyelements through CACTF [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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