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. The senator wassaying that he wants to push for a new division of Homeland Security, one thatwould concentrate exclusively on the technology sector.He does not think hewill have much trouble getting the funds after what happened today.He could not tell whether Kendra had avoided the question or hadinstinctively and innocently slipped into stump speech mode.Just sell thepreapproved ideas, nothing more.If you stick to the script, you cannot getinto trouble. Well, that s always the way, isn t it? Rodgers asked. Get shot first, askquestions later.Kendra smiled. I like that. By the way, what are the senator s travel plans? He is leaving for the convention tonight on his private jet, Kendra toldhim.Page 146 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Who else is going with him? You re just full of questions, she observed. I am going.Kat and theadmiral will take a commercial flight tomorrow morning. She hesitated. Wehad hoped you would be joining us in San Diego.Will that be possible now? I don t know, the general replied. You re not part of the investigation, are you? She added after a shortpause,  Of the bombing, I mean. No.I am not.His answer was as specific as her question.Kendra looked at him.She seemedto be waiting for him to elaborate, to say he was not part of anyinvestigation.He did not want to lie to her so he said nothing.Yet onceagain, saying nothing was probably as informative as Yes.I am.The woman smiled tightly, knowingly, then excused herself.Rodgers went totalk to Kat.He was annoyed with himself.He felt clumsy and exposed.Hewondered how Darrell or Bob would have handled that differently.Well, there is no turning this around, he told himself.The only thing to dois move forward.Kat was in her office, on the phone, when Rodgers walked up.She smiled andmotioned him in.Rodgers shut the door behind him and sat on the small sofa.Amoment later, Kat hung up.She exhaled loudly. That was Lucy O Connor  Let me guess, Rodgers said. She wanted to know if the senator had anyreaction to the attack on Op-Center.Kat nodded. Does he? He thinks it s awful, as we all do, Kat said.Her warm eyes settled onhis. Were you at the NCMC at the time?Rodgers nodded. I m sorry.Are you okay? Surprisingly, yes.I lost my car and my work cell phone, and I m guessing mycredit cards got scrambled.But all of that can be replaced. I assume Hood and the others are pretty shaken. They re on autopilot, but they ll get through this, Rodgers replied. I m more interested in who was behind this. Of course.Any thoughts on that?He hunched forward.Now that Kendra was suspicious, there was no reason tobe discreet. I need to ask this, Kat, and I hope you ll keep it betweenus.But is there any chance that Admiral Link was involved?Page 147 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThe woman did not seem surprised by the question. A chance? Sure.Alikelihood? No.Think what the admiral would stand to lose if he were caught. For what? Attacking Op-Center or having William Wilson killed?That one came out sounding more like an accusation than a question.This time Kat was openly disapproving. I surely hope you do not believe the admiral was involved in either ofthose, Kat said. I want to believe that, he said truthfully.Kat s phone beeped.She answered.She listened for a moment, said she wouldbe right there, then hung up. That was reception, she said. Your friend Mr.McCaskey is here.He insistson seeing the senator. Let me talk to him, Rodgers said. We ll both go, Kat replied flatly.Tension had descended like sleet, heavy and cold.The two walked through theoffice.Though it was nearly five o clock, none of the workers was preparingto leave.Rodgers heard pizzas being ordered for dinner.There was excitementin the air, energy in the staff s activities, a sense of purpose on youthfulfaces.Here he was, embarking on a new career and trying to find out whobombed his old office.Yet he felt none of what these people felt.It was nota virtue of age but of attitude.For the first time in his life, Mike Rodgersdid not know which side he was on.McCaskey was pacing in the carpeted reception area.That was unusual.He was usually Mr.Patient. Hello, Mike, McCaskey said thickly. I d like to talk to you. He regardedKat. I also want to see the senator. That is not possible, she replied. He is out. Then I ll go wherever he is, McCaskey told her. Don t waste your time, she said. Senator Orr has already said he wouldonly speak to your superior, and then as a courtesy, nothing more. My superior had his office fried  McCaskey said. We were very sorry to hear that. I ll pass that along when I see Paul.Meanwhile, I want to discuss theattack with the senator. In what context? And by what authority do you come here and even make ademand like that? Section 611 of the NCMC Operational Code, McCaskey replied. I quote,  Ifan ongoing operation is impeded by a tactical strike, the NCMC has theresponsibility and the authority to investigate the person or persons who werePage 148 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmla target of said operation. Said operation is the investigation into themurder of William Wilson.Said target is Senator Orr.As the chief lawenforcement officer for Op-Center, it is my duty to speak with him. From the start, Mr.McCaskey, I have believed this investigation to bepolitics, not police work, Kat said.Her gaze shifted from the former FBIofficer to Rodgers. General, you are still this man s superior.Would you,perhaps, suggest a less inconvenient and obvious avenue of harassment? That is not what this is about, McCaskey insisted. No, not to you, Kat replied. I believe you are an earnest man, a knightbeing moved on a chess board, convinced of his virtue but blind to the endgame This whole thing, first the death of Wilson and now the attack onOp-Center, is clearly being hung on the senator by someone who does not wanthim to become president.That is what this is about.Hey, why don t youinterview Lucy O Connor? Her journalistic career is going to benefit a greatdeal from all of this. Ms.Lockley, I don t think I m the one who needs a reality check  Hold on, Darrell, Rodgers said. No, Mike.Someone hit us.I have the obligation and the right to questionpeople who may have knowledge of the event. William Wilson was a guest at the senator s party! Kat exclaimed. That is the extent of his involvement with this situation! Wilson was a guest just hours before he was murdered by someone whounderstood covert operations.That makes Admiral Link a suspect andthrows a shadow onSenator Orr, McCaskey said. Ms.Lockley, I cannot make it any more concisethan that. You ll have to, Kat replied. The senator has made it clear that he willnot see you. Darrell, why don t you let me handle this? Rodgers said. Handle what? The investigation or getting me in to see the senator? There is nothing to handle, Kat said. This is a non-starter, Mr.McCaskey.The interview is not going to happen. She turned to go. Ms.Lockley, I am prepared to ask our attorney to seek a writ ofmandamus.That will order Senator Orr to make himself available, McCaskeysaid [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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