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.A VANDAL'S ACT35"What for?""I can't take any chances now that the RED CLOUD is in shape for flying.Someof the Foger crowd might be hanging around, and break in here to damageher.""But the watchman will be on guard," suggested Ned, for since the hiring ofthe shed, the young inventor had engaged a man to remain on duty all night."I know," answered Tom Swift, "but I'm not going to take any chances.I'llstay here with the watchman."Ned offered to share the vigil with his chum, and, after some objection Tomconsented.The others went back to the hotel, promising to return early inthe morning.Tom slept heavily that night, much heavier than he was in the habit of doing.So did Ned, and their deep breathing as they lay in their staterooms, in thecabin of the airship, told of physical weariness, for they had worked hard toreassemble the RED CLOUD.The watchman was seated in a chair just inside the big door of the shed, neara small stove in which was a fire to take off the chill of the big place.Page 31 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThe guard had slept all day, and there was no excuse for him nodding in theway that he did."Queer, how drowsy I feel," he murmured several times."It's only a littleafter midnight, too," he added, looking at his watch, "Guess I'll walk arounda bit to rouse myself."He firmly intended to do this, but he thought he would wait just a fewminutes more, and he stretched out his legs and got comfortable in the chair.Three minutes more and the watchman was asleepsound asleep, while a strange,sweet, sickish odor seemed to fill the atmosphere about him.There was a noise at the door of the shed, a door in which there were severalcracks.A man outside laid aside something that looked like an air pump.Heapplied one eye to a crack, and looked in on the sleeping watchman."He's off," the man murmured."I thought he'd never get to sleep! Now to getin and dose those two lads!Then I'll have the place to myself!"There was a clicking noise about the lock on the shed door.It was not a verysecure lock at best, and, under the skilful fingers of the midnight visitor,it quickly gave way.The man entered.He gave one look at the slumberingwatchman, listened to his heavy breathing, and then went softly toward theairship, which looked to be immense in the comparatively small shedtaking upnearly all the space.The intruder peered in through the cabin windows where Ned and Tom wereasleep.Once more there was in the atmosphere a sickish odor.The man againworked the instrument which was like a small air pump, taking care not to gethis own face too near it.Presently he stopped and listened."They're doped," he murmured.He arose, and took from his mouth and nose ahandkerchief saturated with some chemical that had rendered him immune to theeffects of the sleepproducing that he had generated."Sound asleep," he added.Then, taking out a long, keen knife, the vandalstole toward where the great wings of the RED CLOUD stretched out in the dimlight like the pinions of a bird.There was a ripping, tearing, rendingsound, as the vandal cut and slashed, but Tom, Ned and the watchmanslumbered on.Tom Swift in the Caves of IceCHAPTER IX.A VANDAL'S ACT36CHAPTER X.TOM IS HELD UPTom Swift stirred uneasily in his heavy sleep.He dreamed that he was againin his berth in the railroad car, and that the thief was feeling under hispillow for the map.Only, this time, there seemed to be hands feeling abouthis clothing, trying to locate his inner pockets.The lad murmured something unintelligible, but he did not awaken.The fumesprevented that.However, his movements showed that the effect of the drug waswearing off.It was intended only for temporary use, and it lasted less timethan it would otherwise have done in a warmer, moister climate, for the cold,crisp air that penetrated the shed from outside dispelled the fumes."Guess I'd better not chance it," murmured the intruder."He may not have iton him.and if I go through all his pockets I'll wake him up.Anyhow, I'vedone what they paid me for.I don't believe they'll sail in this airship."The vandal gave one glance at the sleeping lads, and stole from the cabin ofthe craft.He looked at his work of ruin, and then tiptoed past theslumbering watchman.A moment later and he was outside the shed, hurryingaway through the night.Several hours after this Mr.Damon and the old miner were pounding on thedoor of the shed.Mr.Parker, the scientist, had remained at the hotel, forhe said he wanted to work out a few calculations regarding some of histheories."I thought we'd find them up by this time," spoke the eccentric man, as hePage 32 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlagain knocked on the door."Tom said he had lots to do to day.""Maybe they are working inside, and can't hear our knocks," suggested Abe."Try th' door.""Bless my heart! I never thought of that," exclaimed Mr.Damon."I believe Iwill."The door swung open as he pushed it, for it had not been locked when theintruder left.The first thing Mr.Damon saw was the watchman, still asleep in his chair."Bless my soul!" the old man shouted."Look at this, Abe!""Something's wrong!" cried the miner, sniffing the air."There's been crookedwork here! Where are the boys?"Mr.Damon was close to the airship.He looked in the cabin window."Here they are, and they're both asleep, too!" he called [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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