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.Dr.Morter has written many books on this subject andI highly encourage and recommend that you investigate and readmore about his incredible research and technology.Dr.Morter'sWeb site is to www.morterhealthctr.com.The pH testing procedureis something I encourage everyone to do on a regular basis.I checkmy body's pH almost every month.If it's out of the proper rangeI can look at the various things I am doing or not doing, allowingmyself to make simple adjustments in my life to correct the outof balance pH.The reason this is so important is because it takesyears and years to develop most diseases.When you are checkingyour pH on a regular basis, even if it goes out of balance, as long asyou correct it and bring it back to balance you are never allowingyour body a long enough time to develop any disease.In my opin-ion it's the simplest easy way to make sure you virtually can neverget cancer or any other major disease.The pH testing procedure foryour urine and saliva can be found at www.naturalcures.com.The above four suggestions are what I call the basic four for theprevention and treatment of all disease.These are the very, very basicthings that, in my opinion, you must do if you are serious about pre-venting and curing disease.However, we know that the causes of alldisease are (1) too many toxins in the body, (2) nutritional deficien-cies, (3) electromagnetic chaos, and (4) stress.Therefore, we mustaddress each of these areas with specific recommendations on how toachieve (a) no toxins in the body, (b) no nutritional deficiencies, (c)no electromagnetic chaos, and (d) no stress.Here are the specific recommendations.Doing these things willturn your body's pH from acid to alkaline.Doing these things will cre-ate a state in the body of balance known as homeostasis.Doing thesethings, in my opinion, will prevent virtually all illness and diseasefrom occurring and CURE you from every illness and disease.A.Clean Out The Toxins That Have Accumulated In Your BodyIt's important that you again completely understand that from the timeyou were born you have been flooding your body with poisons andtoxins.These poisons and toxins included everything from vaccines,nonprescription and prescription drugs, the air we breathe, the waterwe shower, bathe, swim in, drink, and all the chemicals put in our foodsupply.They also include all the toxins from carpeting, paint, cosmet-ics, makeup, soaps, lotions, and sunscreens.They even come from How to Never Get Sick Again 135things as simple as nonstick cookware.Did you know that if you took anonstick pan, put it on your stove and turned the heat up, a bird, if ithappened to be a few feet from the pan, would die from the toxic fumesthat were emanating from the pan? If you have nonstick cookware, forexample, over the years you have been breathing in all of those poisontoxins.The bottom line is you have loaded your body with toxins inmassive amounts and these toxins do not leave the body fully.Theystay in the fatty tissues; they stay in the organs; they stay in the colon,intestine and throughout your entire body.They are causing you illnessand disease; they are suppressing your immune system.If you want toprevent disease you must clean these toxins out.If you want to curedisease you absolutely must clean these toxins out.Keep this in mind: if we know that toxins in our body are theCAUSE of the illnesses and disease that we are suffering from, youmust realize that if you clean the toxins out of your body, IN MOSTCASES, most people experience a dramatic reduction, or in somecases a complete elimination, of their symptoms! Simply cleaningtoxins out of your body could be the "natural cure" of your disease.Keep in mind, if you are experiencing symptoms or have illness anddisease, it took years and years to develop.If you clean out all the tox-ins in your system, it may take several months after that for the bodyto heal itself.Please give it some time.This is why I again encourageyou to be under the care of a fully licensed health-care practitioner.Here are the best ways to clean the toxins out of your system:1.Get 15 colonies in 30 days.Right now as you read this there is an excellent chance that youhave between three and fifteen pounds of undigested fecal matterstuck in your colon.This waste matter is highly toxic, suppressingyour immune system, potentially causing gas, bloating and con-stipation, dramatically reducing the assimilation of nutrients, andslowing your metabolism.Getting a series of fifteen colonies over athirty-day period is one of the most important first steps in cleans-ing and detoxifying your body.Most people lose between threeand fifteen pounds simply by doing this procedure.Your hair, skin,and nails begin to radiate and glow with health.Your energy levelscan skyrocket, depression, stress, anxiety and fatigue are usuallydramatically reduced or eliminated.Food cravings are reduced orvanish completely. 136 Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About2.Do a complete colon cleanse.For my personal recommendations of the best cleanses, go towww.naturalcures corn.3.Do a liver/gallbladder cleanse.For my personal recommendations of the best cleanses, go towww.naturalcures.com.4.Do a kidney/bladder cleanse.For my personal recommendations of the best cleanses, go towww.naturalcures.com.5.Do a heavy metal cleanse.There are products available for home use to get heavy metalsout of your body.There are also clinics around the world thatprovide excellent treatments to remove heavy metals from yourbody.Heavy metal cleansing like all of these cleanses is, in fact, a"natural cure" they don't want you to know about.6.Do a parasite cleanse.There are many products available for home use including the"parasite zapper" that effectively eliminate parasites.Parasites likeheavy metals are a major cause of disease.Doing a parasite cleanseis another "natural cure" they don't want you to know about.7.Do a candida cleanse.If you have ever taken a single dose of antibiotics any time inyour life, you have a candida yeast overgrowth in your body.Thisovergrowth is most common in the intestine, but can infiltrateyour entire body.This overgrowth can be a cause of virtually everysymptom you can imagine headaches, gas bloating, indigestion,heartburn, nausea, allergies, asthma, Fibromyalgia, arthritis, dia-betes, constipation, yeast infections, dandruff, acne, bad breath,fatigue, depression, stress, and on and on.Doing a program thateliminates the excess candida from your body is one of the back-bones of good health.The most common side effect of excess can-dida is the inability to lose weight.People who eliminate excesscandida virtually always lose massive amounts of weight withouttrying.Candida also causes food cravings and can make you eatwhen you're not hungry.When candida is normalized, a person'sappetite can be dramatically reduced so that you're just simplynot that hungry.There are many excellent products that can help How to Never Get Sick Again 137eliminate candida from your body.The most complete candidaprotocol in my opinion is discussed in the book Lifeforce by Dr.Jeff McCombs.www.lifeforceplan.com8.Do a full-body fat/lymphatic cleanse.Go to www.purification.org9.Drink eight full glasses of pure water daily.All tap water is poisonous.All tap water is loaded with chlorine andchlorine by-products.Chlorine scars your arteries and, along withhydrogenated oil and homogenized dairy products, causes heart dis-ease.Most tap water also has fluoride, which is one of the most poi-sonous and disease causing agents you can put in your body [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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