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.A tricky situation - if the Conis knew such things were occurring, they eitherignored it or used that knowledge to push their desires for extermination in the unofficialmeetings that occurred in bed chambers and private offices.Because no one was going to saysuch things here; not without iron clad proof that someone within the IG was conducting highlyillegal genetic experiments on a race that was already considering potentially dangerous. Her son and his match were working on that evidence, even while they tried to halt those veryexperiments.Even now a handful of other people were working as hard as she to help her race.The least she could do while she waited was continue to press her beliefs.But she could care less about the majority of the Ministry.A waste of time and sanity, most ofthat lot.No - the fights she continued to pick weren't for the officials in their fancy robes.Shelooked up at the Audience, jewels sparkling in the sunlight that poured down from overhead.Allwere focused on her; her fights of late had become somewhat infamous.Not least of all becauseshe often got into shouting matches with the Minister of the South - Yarman Koor.If she foughtloud and often, the ones above her would eventually hear what she was saying.Jundel smoothed the buttoned front of her business gown and set her notes out neatly in front ofher before finally taking a seat.Lifting her chin, she looked directly at each and every minister atthe table before quietly clearing her throat.A brief pause, and then she launched into her latestdefense.Around her the ministers grumbled or frowned or nodded encouragingly.But it was thewhispers and occasional clap from above that kept her going, kept her trying, and drove her tofind new ways to make them all see reason.Chapter EightMerchant class star ship 00061225, the dragonfly"No deal, Val.You and I both know our haul is worth a hell of a lot more than that." Einn lookedat the man across the table in disgust."Stop treating me like some yuppie who doesn't know whatthe fuck he's doing.I outgrew that shit a long time ago."Beside the Captain, Faller shifted minutely, impatient and annoyed.Across the table was a human with dark brown skin, his scalp bald and shiny.A large, blackleather and metal patch covered his right eye, an extension of the black leather and metal inwhich he was dressed.He lifted his heavy boots off the table where he'd propped them andleaned over the table."I'm not treating you like anything, Einn.It ain't my damn problem yourbooty ain't worth what you thought it was worth.""Don't make me repeat myself, Val.We've been doing business with you for a long time, andwe've always been good to you.Start fucking with me, and I'll turn nasty in a hurry.""Einn, Einn," Val relaxed back in his seat."Don't jump the gun on me.I'm being honest withyou."Einn rolled his eyes, "You wouldn't know honest if it slept with you, Val.Save the oily voice fora sucker.It won't do anything but piss me off." "When have I ever tried to stab you in the back, Einn? Come on, I've always been up front withyou."At this Einn snorted and rose to his feet, as did Faller."You haven't stabbed me in the backbecause I've never been dumb enough to turn around.I'm not playing games with you, Val.Either pay me what I know my haul is worth or get the fuck off my ship.If you can't find theway out, Faller will be glad to escort you."Faller looked almost giddy at the thought, his eyes a hard glitter.He watched the one-eyed mancarefully as he and Einn made to exit the meeting room."Perhaps I'd offer more if you were giving me a complete inventory."Einn stilled at that, "That is a complete inventory.What are you playing at?""Rumors about town are that you're still holding a man hostage.""So what? A hostage is hardly inventory.""I bet you'd change your mind if I were to tell you that particular hostage could be worth tenmillion points."A sharp hiss escaped Einn's lips."He's just a Rehabber.Why would someone be dumb enough topay quality points for a stupid Guard?""Come off it, Captain." Val said impatiently."You know damn good and well that's not a mereRehabber.And if you don't know, you're an idiot."Einn narrowed his eyes, motioning for an irate Faller to remain still."I'm curious to know howyou came about such information.""Because I have clients in high places, and this particular client would like to make life difficultfor a certain Lower Chancellor." Val still sat in his seat, for all the world looking like a bored,slightly annoyed businessman - albeit in leather and metal studs."The obtainment of CyanAlexander would greatly improve his abilities to do just that."Faller sneered, "And no doubt you're being paid twice what you've offered to get him for yourclient.Which ring boss are you whoring yourself out to, hmm?""Shut it, Redskin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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